His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1226: Why not him and the child? (6)

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She sat down by the bed, and reached out and touched her little forehead. The temperature was normal.

The little guy who was sleeping fluttered a little.

Su Qianzhuang's eyes flickered, and she suddenly thought of something. She rubbed her face with her fingertips, and she leaned her head closer to his ear and asked, "Little white, haven't you fallen asleep?"

Little white eyelashes blinked several times in a row.

After a moment, the big white and black eyes slowly opened, and shouted sweetly at Su Qianyi: "Mom."

Then he stretched out his hand and hugged Su Qianyu: "I'm uncomfortable, so uncomfortable, uncomfortable ..."

Su Qiandi was thrown into a full-body, holding his soft and waxy body, "Really sick? Can't Ocean Park go?"

Xiaobai coquettishly said: "Where to go."

Su Qianyi smiled, but it was a non-negotiating tone: "No! Being a man must talk and count. If you don't go today, you won't go anymore, and the child must not lie. Lying is punishable. "

"I didn't lie." This excuse was weak, and Xiaobai said without a hint.

"You have no heat on your forehead, you tell me a fever." Su Qianxuan squeezed his small face.

"It was hot just now and it was uncomfortable."

"I hate lying children the most."

"Xiao Bai didn't want to lie to his mother either, it was my father who taught me to do so!" Xiao Bai was impatient and sold Lu Yan directly.

Su Qianyu: "..."

What, Lu Yan coached, why did he make Xiao Bai pretend to be sick? He didn't like Xiao Bai to go out with her? Since you don't like her and Xiaobai, it's good to say directly, why do these little moves?

Lu Yanzhi didn't know he was betrayed by his son.

With a bowl of sweet porridge in his hand, he entered the room. The moment he saw him, Su Qianyi became stiff.

She stood up almost immediately, her face calmly and irritated, looking up at him coldly.

Lu Yanzhi also looked at her, and froze his cold eyes slightly, but he had nothing but just handed the porridge in his hand to Su Qianyu: "feed him!"

Su Qianji didn't want to answer, but looked at Xiaobai with full anticipation. She still reached for the bowl, sat back to the bed, and started feeding Xiaobai with porridge.

She scooped a spoonful of porridge, blew it with her mouth, and sent it to Xiao Bai's mouth.

Xiao Bai opened his mouth happily and covered it happily. When looking at Lu Yanzhi's eyes, he was very guilty, for fear that he would betray Lu Yanzhi's affairs, he would be known by Lu Yanzhi.

Su Qianyu fed a spoonful of porridge again and asked with a smile: "Drink."

"Okay, sweet. Mom tries."

"No, Xiaobai just eats."

The smile on Little White's lips widened, and he immediately went up and kissed Su Qianyi's lips: "Mom, is it sweet?"

Su Qianyi, who was attacked, stunned for a moment, and smiled like a flower: "Very sweet."

Xiaobai happily rubbed his buttocks and crawled down from the bed again. He ran to Lu Yanzhi, climbed up his legs, and looked at her with a small face expectantly: "Daddy, kiss!"

Lu Yanchi gave Su Qianzhen a glance, then kissed his little mouth.

After kissing, Xiaobai asked, "Daddy, is it sweet?"

Lu Yanzhi charmed his lips with his thumb, raised his eyes and looked at Su Qianyi, his voice was low: "Sweet !!"

Su Qianzhen's entire face was burned: "..."

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