His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1227: Why not him and the child? (7)

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Su Qianzhen's entire face was burned: "..."

She resisted the urge to drop the bowl, and stared at Lu Yanzhi fiercely. Lu Yanzhi's mood remained unchanged. She shifted her eyes slightly and looked towards Su Qianyu. Like an okay person, she got up later, Stepped away.

Turning his head to Xiaobai Mengmeng's cute eyes, Su Qianyi reached out and touched Xiaobai's head, and the dissatisfaction disappeared instantly, and the whole person was helpless.

I don't know how many times, she thought that because of Lu Yanzhi's reasons, she no longer saw Xiaobai.

But she didn't even think that she would like Lu Yanzhi's son so much. When she calmed down occasionally, she would miss him, and sometimes she wanted to see him.

"Mom is angry?" The child was very sensitive, apparently aware of her cold face, and looked at her weakly and asked.

"No." Su Qianji immediately raised his mouth and smiled, paused, and said, "It's just that you are not allowed to drag me and your father together."

"Why?" Xiaobai asked puzzledly, "Mom, don't you like Dad?"

Su Qianzheng for a moment, she did not expect Xiaobai would ask such a question. After a short silence, she smiled and said, "Do you know what you like, kid?"

"I understand!" Xiao Bai replied seriously.

"The little fat mom and dad next door are going to divorce, she said his dad likes other women, so you have to divorce her mom, I think you must not like my dad so much, so you would not want to marry her . "

Su Qianyu said nothing, but squeezed his nose.

"Since you don't want to go to Ocean Park, then you can sleep well. I'll go back first."

When she heard that she was leaving, Xiaobai immediately held her hand firmly: "Mum, don't leave, stay with me."

Su Qianxuan touched his head, kissed his face close, and said, "Then I am here to sleep with you?" Wait until he fell asleep before leaving.

As a result, Xiaobai asked her, "Well, don't you just wait for me to leave?"

Su Qianyi cried and laughed not yesterday. Should the current child be so savvy, she shook her head: "No."

Xiaobai still wasn't assured. He took the initiative to move into the bed to make a place for Su Qianyu to lie on the bed.

She was flushed and a little shy when she was lying next to Su Qianyu.

But it was particularly excited and happy.

"Mom, the little fat guy in the class has a sister. His sister is super beautiful. Mom, when did you and my dad give me a sister, a sister who looks better than a little fat sister? A beautiful and cute sister like Barbie ? "

Su Qiandi: "... sister?"

It's so embarrassing that she doesn't know what to answer.

"If it's a younger brother, it's okay, but it must be cute." Xiao Bai said with disapproval, and then smiled again: "But I still like my sister. Mom, you have to work hard with your father to give me a lot of sisters. Make a lot of money, buy a lot of cute dolls and play for them. "

Su Qianyi didn't want to talk to him about this topic, and turned to the topic directly: "Would you like to sing a song for you?"

"Yes, I like listening to little stars."

Su Qianyu immediately sang softly: "A twinkling, a twinkling Jingjing, there are little stars all over the sky ..."

She sang very lightly, like a lullaby lullaby, and Xiao Bai singing was like sleeping.

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