His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1241: Why not him and the child? (twenty one)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Time smiled strangely, looking at Lu Yanchen slightly, his long eyelashes flickered: "Lu Yanchen, I'm hungry."

Then he ran his fingers along his hair and gave a meaningful smile to Landing Yanchen.

Don't let him help Chu Mubei.

Lu Yanchen's eyes flickered, his lips twitched, and he took the hand of time: "Let's go, I'll take you to eat delicious food."

Then completely ignored Chu Mubei.

Leaving Chu Mubei with a stunned face, after they left, he shouted, "Is there anything wrong, Lao Lu, you guy who values ​​you lightly!"


After leaving the company, of course, she went straight home. Time was not hungry. She was sitting in the co-pilot seat. Lu Yanchen asked her what she wanted to eat. Time said she was sleepy and wanted to go home.

All the way along, he sank his face and ignored Lu Yanchen.

When she entered the bedroom, she wanted to close the door and lock it.

But stopped by Lu Yanchen's long arms, he squeezed into the door, trying to hold the time. He pulled Lu Yanchen's tie on the door and pushed him down on the door.

"So I like to be jealous, am I angry!" Shi Guang loosened Lu Yanchen's tie.

Reached out for a circle, then tied Lu Yanchen's wrists, tied one hand, and pulled him to the bed.

Push hard, and finally put your hand tied with a tie over your head.

Lu Yanchen's eyes were deep and unpredictable, and he did not resist, but he did whatever he wanted.

He was lying comfortably and lazily, glancing at her serious little face, and he pretended to sincerely apologize: "Don't be angry, I will let you punish you."

Time knelt down on his leg, leaning his chin and saying, "If you want me to forgive you, you can honestly tell me. When did you know that Chu Mubei likes Shen Yiren?"

This topic is changing too fast, aren't they talking about themselves?

Lu Yanchen faintly replied: "It's been a long time."

It seemed that when he was in college, he vaguely realized that Chu Mubei liked Shen Yiren, but Shen Yiren didn't like him, and he didn't know it.

Time wondered: "But Shen Yiren, doesn't he like big brother? Chu Mubei doesn't he know?"


"I know she still likes Shen Yiren. Since she likes Shen Yiren, why should she marry Wang Caichun."

Time felt that Chu Mubei was really dregs. Some people liked it, but she was still sleeping outside, and in order not to be responsible, she found a woman to contract to get married.

VIP fighter in the scumbag!

"Wang Caichun took the initiative to find him and wanted to contract with him." Lu Yanchen said to sit up, but just got up halfway and was pushed back by time.

Time coldly warned: "Let me lie down!"

Lu Yanchen looked helpless. He nodded and said that he was good, and said, "Don't worry about Wang Caichun blindly, maybe she has the same person as Chu Mubei."

Shi Guangmei raised his eyebrows slightly: "Really, why do I think Wang Caichun's favorite person is Chu Mubei?"

Lu Yanchen asked her: "Did she admit it to you?"

Time shook his head. Wang Caichun never said that she liked Chu Mubei, and from her mouth, she seemed to hate Chu Mubei.

However, both of them were married, she always felt that there should be love.

Lu Yanchen smiled, just like Yuehua, quiet and leisurely: "She didn't say she likes Chu Mubei. What are you worried about, in case you are mistaken?"

Time: "..."

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