His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1242: Why not him and the child? (twenty two)

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Time: "..."

Wrong? Seems like that.

Every time Wang Caichun said that Chu Mubei was all kinds of vomiting, he looked annoying.

She had been with Lu Yanchen before and reunited later. In order to disguise her love, she would hate Lu Yanchen.

So subconsciously, I thought of Wang Caichun as myself and put it into my own perspective.

However, Wang Caichun and Chu Mubei had not been together before. After the marriage, the two also had their own differences and were irrelevant.

In case it's really not a cover up, Wang Caichun just doesn't like Chu Mubei, then she wants to help, or she just helps.

Shiji laughed twice: "Is there any drama between Chu Mubei and Shen Yiren? Will Chu Mubei divorce Wang Caichun?"

"I don't know, this doesn't seem to be something we should care about." Lu Yanchen's expression calmly, looking at the time like a pet, as if everything except her had nothing to do with him.

He raised his hand, his tied hands: "Untie."

Time refused, she said playfully: "I won't let you go."

She lay on Lu Yanchen's body, her pink mouth opened to his ears, and if there was nothing like blowing, she smiled with joy: "Now I have soft hands and a soft body, I just want to lean on you and don't want anything move."

Then stood up straight, then, sat across him, looked at her with an eyebrow, with a bit of condescending taste, as if you were asking me, please, I will untie you! "

Lu Yanchen stared at her lightly with bottomless eyes, and asked her with a smile: "Go to Su's house today and call me in the middle, saying there is something important, you should tell me face to face, in the end what's up?"

Time was still sitting on him, but his expression was a little bit more distressed: "Chihiro said, Su Wencheng called her to apologize, and he was very concerned about Grandpa. What do you say he wants to do?"

Lu Yanchen didn't even think about it, so he gave three words: "Back to the Su Family."

Time asked: "Why?"

What's the point of going back? Time does not understand.

Lu Yanchen said: "Because he has a case and cannot go abroad for the time being, he can only develop in the country. Since he can only develop in the country, he can only abandon business and naturally start a business. It is too difficult for the business community to start without a background, so he may not be I have to go back to Su ’s house, but he wants to be reconciled with Su ’s house. Naturally, he ca n’t find it directly. The purpose is too strong. But Su Qianji is different. Su Qianji grew up with him from an early age. It is said that Su Qianzheng is his aunt, but he is a few years younger than him, and his age is similar. The relationship is very good. In these years, Su Qianzheng has developed so well in the film and television industry, but he did not use Su family relations. Su Wencheng helped He was very busy, but he did a lot of things behind his back. He was really good to Su Qianji. After careful calculation, there were many things that Su Qianji did not know was because of Su Wencheng. "

Time listened and frowned.

She murmured, "Chihiro is the young aunt of Su Wencheng. Isn't it normal for him to help? But how strange is it to say something out of your mouth?"

Lu Yanchen smiled: "Su Wencheng has always known that he is not a child of the Su family. He and Su Qianzhen have no blood relationship. And ... he is over thirty years old, but he is not married yet, there are women , Has raised a little lover, but does not have a formal girlfriend. "

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