His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1244: Why not him and the child? (twenty four)

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Time looked at Lu Yanchen inquisitively, only to find him very strange: "How do I think you are not a kind of nosy person, you can't do this for Big Brother and Chihiro."

Lu Yanchen just smiled and did not deny it.

That means acknowledgement.

"Chu Mubei's company is also your company. There must be no big-name celebrity in your variety show. If Chihiro participates, not only will the program's grade be raised, but the popularity will also come up. Moreover, such a variety show, even if you are Lu The chief ’s son, like the ruthlessness of Chief Lu, is definitely not going to open the back door for you, nor is it for the elder brother, and I ’ll probably give it to you casually. But if Chihiro goes, the elder brother will definitely not treat it sloppily, maybe It gives you a better place to record, so Chihiro's participation is a killer for you. "

Time is slowly analyzing.

"My girl, I'm getting smarter and smarter. How can I reward you?" Lu Yanchen's eyes were deep and hard to figure out, but he was still lazy.

Time rolled his eyes: "You are too bad, I just want you to help, don't let that Su Wencheng go to Chihiro again, but how can you count her as earning you money?"

Lu Yanchen asked him: "Apart from this, do you have a better protection plan?"

"No, but you also don't look like a protection scheme ..."

Before the words of time had finished, Lu Yanchen held her face and kissed her lips fiercely. I don't know when Lu Yanchen's tie was opened by him.

He flipped, pressed the time under him, and kissed her more intensely and hungry ...

At the beginning of time, he pushed back twice, then relaxed his body behind him, unconsciously greeted under him, his eyes half-opened and half-opened, his throat sobbing like a kitten.

After a while, the restraints on the two men were all lifted, and they clung together like vines.

The movement is accompanied by moisture.

Passion follows the frenzy.

They hugged each other tightly, thirsty for each other, one after another, and reached the trembling cloud together.

That night, time was frustrated enough, and when he woke up, it was already three shots the next day.

She was so tired that her back hurt, but Lu Yanchen was refreshed. The grudge in her heart couldn't help but glare at him.

Lu Yanchen smiled ambiguous, his voice was evil: "Isn't it uncomfortable there? I didn't control my strength last night and hurt you. Would you like me to check it?"

Time: "..."

She could not wait to bite Lu Yanchen.

Who wants him to check there, bad man ...

At that moment, the phone rang, and I took the phone and connected it.

The call was from Xiaobai. His tone was sullen, and he was a little unhappy. He spoiled at the time: "Xiao, can you pick me up to you?"

Shiguang asked him softly, "What's wrong?"

Xiao Bai looked outside the car, and Li Mengyao, who was talking to Lu Yanchi, snorted coldly: "Dad had dinner with that aunt Li, and he called me. I didn't want to go at all, but Dad wanted to take me, so annoying So annoying. "

"Where are you now?" Shiji asked.

"In the mall, I'm going to eat later. I don't want to eat with that aunt. I want my mother, but my mother can't get through to the phone. Xiaoyi picks me up to find my mother, okay?" Xiaobai whispered and continued to Time is sweet.

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