His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1245: Why not him and the child? (25)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

"Okay, no problem." She happened to be looking for Chihiro.

Xiao Bai immediately laughed happily, was about to push the door to get off, and Lu Yanzhi and Li Mengyao got on the car.

Li Mengyao didn't take the co-pilot, but sat behind to accompany Xiaobai. It seemed to be trying to please Xiaobai. She tenderly praised: "Xiaobai, he is so handsome today."

She stretched out her hand, trying to touch Little White's head.

Xiaobai was disgusted and immediately avoided it disgustingly: "Auntie, please don't touch my head casually, men's heads can't be touched by women, you know how to be polite."

This words broke the perfect smile on Li Mengyao's face. She froze in the air with her hands in the air, looking very awkwardly at Lu Yanzhi, who was in the front driver's seat.

Lu Yanzhi also froze, looked at Xiaobai coldly in the rearview mirror and said, "How are you polite? How did you talk to your aunt?"

"Isn't that what you said. Doesn't the man's head be touched except his wife?" Xiao Dayian's lovely eyes cleared, and he looked at Lu Yanchi blinkingly.

Lu Yanzhi gave a cough, looked at Li Mengyao and said, "Sorry, I have spoiled him recently."

"It's okay ..." Li Mengyao pulled out a stiff smile, and his trembling body tried to keep her sitting posture as much as possible, pretending to be unconscious.

In fact, my heart was furious.

If it weren't for Lu Yan's persistence here, she would have beaten this stinky boy hard, and it would be as annoying as his mother.

Xiaobai looked at Lu Yanzhi and said, "Dad, Xiaoxi called just now, and she said she would come to pick me up to date with my mother. I'm not going to eat with you."

Lu Yanzhi turned to glance at him, but did not say anything: "..."

Looking at Lu Yanzhi's gaze, Li Mengyao raised her hand and smoothed the hair on the cheek, exuding the charm of a mature woman in every word and every act, carrying noble elegance with her every move, she answered, as if just saying casually: "By the way, I saw Chihiro a few days ago, and she took Xiaobai to buy toys. We were very happy talking and said ..."

Xiaobai muttered next to her, interrupted her innocently and said, "I'm not very happy at all, my mother sees you angry."

Li Mengyao's face froze.

She smiled at Lu Yan in front, her voice was dull, and she was at a loss: "Brother, I don't know what happened, Xiaobai seems to have a lot of opinions with me recently. When I saw me before, I felt him Still quite happy. "

This point means something.

She knows that Xiaobai and Su Qianyi have approached recently. When she said such a thing, she meant to tell Lu Yanzhi. Su Qianyi said a lot of bad things behind her, and she taught Xiaobai that he was not polite. Without education, I hope that Lu Yan will not let Xiao Bai and Su Qianyu meet again in order to avoid making Xiao Bai worse.

Xiaobai turned to look at her and said with a distressed mouth, "I've never been happy to see you, and you're not my mother."

Li Mengyao was pale and almost cried, but he held back, "I'm sorry, I ... I just like you very much, Xiaobai."

Xiaobai rubbed his eyes and said incomprehensibly: "You look at my eyes so fierce, I really don't think you like me."

What is the King of Demolition? This is the template.

Li Mengyao was so angry that he wanted to strangle the broken child: "..."

Xiao Bai's mouth was flat, as if he was scared, and suddenly he cried "Wow": "Ahhhhhhh ..."


PS: Our invincible little male **** Xiaobai said that he is the male No. 1 haha ​​~~ in the middle of the month, ask for a monthly ticket ~~

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