His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1250: Why not him and the child? (30)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

"Of course you are not an illegitimate child. You are the young master of the Lu family. Speech on the Internet has been given a great deal of freedom. Some people are not happy in life, or are in a bad mood, or jealous, just looking at you. It's not pleasing to the eye, so you always like to wipe black people at random, you don't need to care about them. "


At this time, the agent called over and asked about the scandal, but did not see the confusion. Chihiro's popularity and positioning now, even if the marriage and children are exposed at this moment, it will not affect her career.

She called at the moment, mainly another important thing.

"The variety show I told you last time, did you think about it? Today they came to contact me again."

"No, I don't really want to be on a variety show. Recently, I just want to take a break." Su Qianyi refused.

"The variety show can also be said to be a break. I asked about the process. It is much easier than making a movie. When you happen to broadcast, you have a movie released. I think it can still be released. Do you think about it? "

Su Qiandi thought about it and agreed.


Time cleared up the kitchen and saw Xiao Bai lying asleep on Su Qianxu's legs. She immediately let go of her movements and her voice was low: "Sleeping?"

She looked at the wall clock on the wall, it seemed that it was only eight o'clock.

Su Qianyi gently stroked Xiaobai's hair: "After playing for a day, I haven't slept during the day, the child will be tired. Go back first, let him sleep here tonight, I will send it tomorrow he goes home."

"it is good."

Time nodded.

She didn't leave immediately, but sat down opposite Su Qianyu: "I just heard you called and said you want to participate in a variety show. What kind of variety show is it?"

She was wondering if it would be the military-related variety that Lu Yanchen mentioned.

"Chu Mubei cooperated with a certain TV station, don't you know?" Su Qianzhen asked her.

Time smiled: "Know some, it sounds pretty good, don't you want to go?"

"I'm not interested in variety shows." Su Qianyi chuckled his lips with a smile: "I don't want to help your husband company to recruit new people."

She also knew that half of Chu Mubei's company was Lu Yanchen.

Shiguang said with a smile: "I think you can go, you see how hot the variety shows have been lately, haven't you invested in making movies yourself? If you can't point it out, I can give you a good free publicity."

Su Qianyi looked uninterested.

Time raised her eyebrows and asked with a little provocation: "Aren't you afraid to meet your elder brother?"

Su Qianyi looked at her coolly: "Don't be."

Time was shaking his head from side to side, his eyes were sharply set on Su Qianyu's face, his mouth twitched with a smile, a little tentative, a little playful, but a little sincerely said, "Actually, I think you and Big Brother, It ’s really a good match. You see that the elder brother loves you so much. You used to be so good. Now you have n’t forgotten about it. The main thing is that the two of you are standing together. It ’s a natural pair. What a pity!"

Su Qianji frowned slightly, wondering: "Who told you we were fine before? You don't think about it any more, it's not what your brain makes up for."

"The army is so big, and the elder brother is a confidential department. You may not encounter it when you go. You also have less brain supplement, little aunt."

Time blinked playfully at her, picked up her bag, and waved away.

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