His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1251: Why not him and the child? (31)

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Su Qianxuan laughed and hugged the sleeping white to the bedroom, trying to make him sleep more comfortably.

Then the doorbell rang.

After covering Xiaobai with a quilt, she went to open the door. The caller was Lu Yanzhi, and those pair of black eyes like splashing ink were so cold and stubborn that they were as sharp as a hawk that made people afraid to look straight.

"Xiao Bai just slept, do you want to take him back now?" Su Qianyu said, frowning subconsciously, as Lu Yan's heavy footsteps getting closer and closer to her, she kissed him After a while, the fragrance of wine.

She was a little surprised. "Did you drink?"

Lu Yan held a deep voice and calmly replied, "I have a socializing, and I just drink a little."

Su Qiandi didn't think it, but just drank it a little, the alcohol was so heavy, apparently he drank a lot, she said unpleasantly, "You all drink, and you drive by yourself?"

"It's not difficult for me to drink this wine." To show that he was fine, he poured himself a glass of water and drank it slowly.

Su Qianxian frowned. "As long as you drink, you can't drive, it's dangerous."

Lu Yan looked at her with determination, her dark eyes were deep, she approached her slowly, and Su Qianyu backed away, but behind him was the sofa.

She settled, he also settled. The two were very close, and a strong sense of oppression hit him. He bent down slightly and approached her and said, "Do you care about me?"

The burning breath brushed across his face, and Su Qiandi felt his face unconsciously and his breathing became inexplicably quick.

Why did she think that if nothing happened, she shuddered with him like an ordinary person, but without a few words, she was swayed by his words and behaviors?

Why is the brain hypoxic?

Why is my heart choking? My heart beats as fast as I want to jump out of my throat?

She kept telling herself that she had no relationship with him before, they had not been together, and time and time again showed that she and Lu Yanzhi were not lovers and had no love or hatred.

But is that really true? Or is it because of something else?

Su Qianyi calmed his emotions and calmed down: "I only care about Xiaobai. Do n’t pick up Xiaobai since you are drinking. I do n’t dare to give Xiaobai to you if you are not careful. Throw the throttle. What to do when the brakes are pressed? Drunk people can do everything, whatever you love, you should deserve a car accident, but Xiaobai can't!

Lu Yan looked at her indifferently beautiful face, her face remained unchanged, and she could not see the mood.

But in my heart, for a moment, I really wanted to strangle her because of her insignificant tone.

"What a cruel woman."

He stared at her quietly, said a sneer after a while, then turned and left.

Looking at the background where he left, Su Qianzheng was a little hesitant for a moment, bit his lower lip, his eyes flickered slightly.

Suddenly, when she saw Lu Yan coming in, she held the key in her hand and placed it on the shoe cabinet.

She hesitated for a moment, then went out with the key.

When I opened the door, I saw Lu Yanzhi standing on the side of the road, leaning on the tree, bending over, and seemed uncomfortable, vomiting, but there was no sound.

A moment later, he was striding to cross the road. At this moment, a white sports car that flashed in the night was galloping towards this side ... and Lu Yan staggered to the road and wanted to come to him It should be really drunk before you notice the vehicles coming in front.

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