His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1252: Why not him and the child? (32)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!


The sports car driver saw the wobbler in the middle of the road, honking and slowing down.

Su Qianxian looked so frightened that he was as pale as snow: "Ah!"

The exclaimed scream scorched in the cold night, and Su Qianyu thought about it, his body fluttered deliberately and pushed to Lu Yanzhi.

When the horn sounded, Lu Yanzhi returned to his senses, and saw Su Qianzhang rushing towards himself, his face was instantly shocked, and his eyes were disturbed and frantic.

He took Su Qianyu's hand and pulled it into his arms. When Qian Jun hit it, he rolled her to the ground next to him.

The driver stopped the car in time and did not hit the two, but was so frightened that the spirit was flying away, and he stared blankly at the two people who were hugging and lying on the ground.

Lu Yanzhi's wine all woke up instantly, sitting slowly on the ground holding Su Qianji, looking up and down Su Qianji: "Are there any injuries?"

Su Qianzhen's eyes widened in amazement, shook his head, his voice trembled: "I'm fine ..."

"Really?" Lu Yan held her up, holding her shoulders, and letting her make a turn.

"Really." People are really okay, they are really frightened, their hearts are shaking.

I was sure she was all right, with a slight smile, blooming in the corner of Lu Yanzhi's pale Junyi mouth, he held her tightly in his arms, as if to be embedded in his own body.

The frightened driver, seeing that they had nothing to do, instantly got angry: "What's the matter with you, how can you stand in the middle of the road."

Su Qianxi slowly returned to her senses, realizing that she and Lu Yanzhi were hugging each other, she was uncomfortable.

Pushing away Lu Yanchen, she shifted her target and cursed at the driver: "I just want to ask you what's going on here. This is a residential area. You actually drove that fast! This was pushed away today, in case it wasn't pushed away. What if a child comes out and you are justified, I tell you, I have written down your license plate, and I have monitoring at the door. Next time you dare to drive fast in the community, I will take the strap Sue you!"

The driver was scared and frightened by Su Qianzhang, stunned God, and drove away with a curse.

Lu Yanzhi ignored the driver, but was worried about Su Qianyu, he said uneasily, "I'll take you to the hospital for a check."

"No need, I'm fine." Su Qiandi staggered, and staggered his hand.

Lu Yanzhi glanced sideways and warned her coldly: "No more dangerous things like this!"

Speaking, I wanted to hold Su Qianyu in his arms.

Su Qianzhen gritted his teeth, and when he was about to hug, pushed her away first.

She fisted, her nails fell into her palm, and her usual smile returned to her face. "You won't be affectionate."

Lu Yanzhi's eyes narrowed and he groaned: "Why did you save me just now?"

Su Qianzhang's body was stiff, and he took a deep breath to suppress the mess, and tried to calmly say, "Save you? It was just a subconscious instinct just now that I would be saved by others, and afterwards I knew it was you who saved, I regret ! "

The corners of her mouth were slightly curved, and a little ridicule was pulled out: "Have your keys, hurry and go ..."

Then he entered the room and closed the door directly.

Lu Yanzhi kept looking at her, his eyes sharpened, "..."

She was lying, she obviously cared for him, she was not completely indifferent to him, and maybe he liked it as much as he did.

And she likes Xiaobai so much.

Then why did she reject him and his son thousands of miles away?


PS: Brother Lu knows, haha ​​~~ Ask for a monthly ticket, please call monthly ticket to Brother Lu ~~

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