His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1254: Why not him and the child? (34)

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Pride is like him, even more unwilling.

To this day, when she didn't want to jump on him, he found himself wrong.

If you really hate someone, you will never give up your life.

She did not loathe him, nor did she have no feelings for him, otherwise she would not be rescued.

There is Xiaobai, even if she does not admit that Xiaobai is not her son, but she loves Xiaobai extremely much. Since she loves so much, why refuse to admit Xiaobai is his son.

Since she has no feelings for him and Xiaobai, why doesn't she want him and the child?



Su Qianzhang leaned on the door panel, and heard her heartbeat and the rhythm of her breathing, alas ... it didn't calm down for a long time.

She didn't know what happened to her?

The moment she realized that Lu Yan was in danger, she really felt like she was going to lose the whole world! !!

She pinched her chest clothes, closed her eyes, and her head was full of Lu Yanzhi's phrase "Why did you save me just now?"

And her phrase "Don't be affectionate by yourself" is even a little bit self-defeating.

That night, Su Qianyu tossed and turned in bed, it was four or five in the morning, because he was too sleepy to fall asleep.

She stumbled to feel that she hadn't slept long, and there was a soft cotton thing in her arms, and slowly opened her eyes, she saw Xiao Bai's handsome handsome face.

He lay on the bed with his small **** and waved his hand to Su Qianxuan and said, "Mom, good morning."

Xiao Bai develops a very regular schedule at home and wakes up almost naturally at six o'clock every day.

Su Qianyi just felt that the whole person was still confused. She freed her hand and took a look at the phone for a while. It was only seven o'clock. She reached out to hug Xiaobai, pulled his body crookedly into her arms, and said loosely, "It's still early, sleep a little longer."

"No, I can't sleep." Xiaobai shook his head, saying so rare to Su Qianji: "Daddy has prepared breakfast."

The latter half sentence Su Qian a moment, she thought she heard wrong: "What?"

"It's time to eat breakfast, grandma said, not eating breakfast would be bad for your body, so mommy is getting up, we are going to have breakfast." Xiao Bai sat upright, pulling his arms with Su Qianyi's short hand.

Su Qianzheng sat up and took half of his drowsiness: "You just said, who prepared the breakfast?"

Xiaobai smiled sweetly: "Daddy!"

At this moment sleepiness ran away, Su Qianzhen lifted the quilt and got out of bed. She put on her coat and went downstairs, and saw Lu Yanchi sitting at the dining table.

In the light of morning light, a man in military uniform was full of facial features, and every stroke was a magical work. The sun came in from behind him, making him look like a dazzling picture.

To his eyes, lacquered like the night, flowing and shining, and gentle and charming like the boundless sky, let the subconscious indulge.

I do not see the usual killings and cold heads.

After a few seconds of being stupid, Su Qianyi slowly regained her thoughts. She frowned slightly and asked, "Lu Yanzhi, why are you here?"

Last night she thought of making a final decision, and she would stay away from Lu Yan, including Xiao Bai, in the near future.

As a result, things went against expectations.

However, for a few hours, Lu Yanzhi was directly in her house, as if no one was in the realm.

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