His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1255: Why not him and the child? (35)

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Lu Yanzhi's expression was very light, and his voice was also light: "Hurry up, or the breakfast will be cold."

Su Qianyu: "..."

Can you speak on a channel?

At this time, Xiao Bai followed and walked down, the little adult's tone: "Mom, you haven't washed your face and brushed your teeth, you can't eat breakfast."

With a helpless look on his little face, he pushed and pushed Su Qianzhen: "Go wash your face and brush your teeth, we will wait for you."

It's still a petite expression.

Su Qiandi couldn't help laughing, she didn't pay any attention to Lu Yan for a while, turned around and went upstairs again, after washing it down, she found that Xiaobai was still sitting obediently, waiting for her to sit next to her. Soy milk stood up and took a breath.

"Mom, you won't come down anymore, I'm going to starve to death." She picked up the fritters and bit her a bit.

"Sorry, I have kept you waiting for a while, and eat more later."

Su Qianyi smiled at Xiao Bai. When his eyes moved to Lu Yanzhi, all the smiles on his face disappeared instantly, eating breakfast with a calm face.

After having breakfast, she asked Xiaobai to go upstairs to play with toys, and then looked at Lu Yanzhi and said, "After breakfast, you can leave."

"Where's Xiaobai?" Lu Yan's eyes glanced deep into Su Qianyi's delicate face, and his lips opened lightly.

"Did I forget it? I asked him to come down, and you took him back."

Su Qianyu said he was going upstairs and called Xiaobai, but was stopped by Lu Yanzhi.

"Does your home have a medicine chest?"

"Medicine chest?" Su Qianyi questioned subconsciously.

Lu Yanzhi turned his face slightly, only to find out that Lu Yanchen had a bloodmark on his left face.

What happened? When was it hurt? Was it the injury that rolled her to the ground last night?

It was too dark last night, and she kept her face sideways today, so she never noticed.

But if it ’s been so long since the injuries last night, why does n’t it seem to have been cleaned up at all?

Does he wash his face?

Or didn't he go back at all?

Su Qianyu hesitated, went to the cabinet silently, lifted out the medicine box, and sat on the sofa, holding a cotton swab and a medicine bottle, and helped Lu Yanji treat the wound a little.

The wound is not deep, it's just scary because the blood coagulates. After wiping out the dried blood, it's just a superficial wound.

Knowing that the injury was not serious, when Su Qianzhang applied the medicine, he deliberately strengthened his strength, and he could not wait for Lu Yan to persuade him to disfigured, leaving a scar on his face.

But no matter how hard she tried, Lu Yanzhi always looked indifferent, even if it hurts, she didn't change her face.

She instantly lost the joy of torturing him.

After rubbing the medicine, Su Qianzhang packed the medicine box, closed the medicine box, and was about to lift it up and put it back. Before her hand touched the medicine box, Lu Yan grabbed her wrist and pulled her into her arms. in.

Su Qiandi was caught off guard and fell on his thigh.

She immediately wanted to push the person away, but his cold, handsome face dropped sharply towards her, and she closed her eyes subconsciously, thinking he would kiss her strongly, so she turned away.

After waiting for a while, without waiting for someone to kiss her, Su Qianzhen carefully opened her eyes, only looking at Lu Yanzhi who was hovering on her body, staring at her with complex eyes ...

After a while, he rested his head on her shoulders, sprayed a warm breath on her ear, and slumped into her cochlea.

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