His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1271: the truth! It turns out everything is a bureau! (1)

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Su Qiandi was startled: "How is that possible? I really checked several times that year, and I hugged him for a long time, but all of them ..."

A suspicious look appeared on her face, and a little doubt spread over her chest from the bottom of her heart.

Why is the child breathless when she is in her arms, but Lu Yanzhi is breathless when she finds the child?

That is to say, the child she was holding was not her. Whose child was it? At that time, the medical equipment was really backward in that village. At that time, except for her in the delivery room, she was the delivery grandma. The pain kept hurting, and it took two days and two nights to give birth to the child.

She was exhausted long after giving birth, and at this time her whole body collapsed, her body was soft, and she was too sleepy. Strangely listening to the zebra crossing baby's powerful cry echoed in the delivery room, and felt that Granny put the baby beside her.

When she recovered a little strength, she opened her eyes and looked at the child lying next to him. He didn't cry and didn't make any noises. He started to think that he was sleeping, only to find that there was no breath behind him.

The grandma who gave birth to her child died in the hands of drug dealers when the village was destroyed.

She also had no way to verify whether someone had changed the child when she couldn't hold it.

"The child who was lying next to me was not my child. Whose child would it be?" It wasn't just her who was pregnant at the time, but also Xun Mengyao.

Li Yanzhi looked at her with sincerity and seriousness never seen before: "Li Mengyao's child is not mine."

"It's not yours, who will it be, will you let her go with other men?"

Her distrustful tone made Lu Yanzhi's face slightly hesitant: "Don't tell me what you think in your heart."

Su Qianyu was speechless. What does it mean to imagine in her heart? Isn't he ... watching Lu Yanzhi's complexion is particularly complicated to seduce.

Some anger, some disappointment, and helplessness ... Su Qianyan frowned. What was he angry and disappointed about? As if she did something wrong.

That was clearly the case at the time.

"I don't have amnesia!" She said angrily.

The expression on Lu Yanzhi's face and the look at her looked more serious than before.

He said: "At that time, it was a very unusual time. I was instructed to perform an undercover mission. You should all know that at the time, it was n’t just me. I broke into the enemy and another undercover officer was on the edge. In response, I was spotted when I met him that day. In order to protect me, he deliberately exposed himself and led people away. "

Su Qianyi looked at her suspiciously, wondering what this matter had to do with Li Mengyao.

Atuchai is the biggest drug lord of the Golden Triangle, cunning and cautious. It has been a headache for governments in the Golden Triangle region for many years. Each time they make a detailed and detailed plan, all clues are broken on the arrested person. .

To this end, the arrest activity was planned for more than a year, and he was lurking for another year, before sacrificing a comrade in arms.

There must be no mistakes in this operation. Otherwise, all your efforts will be wasted! !!

He can't make an exception because of her, nor can she make an exception because he is a soldier. He can't be put in danger by his comrades-in-arms because of his children's private affairs.

When he met with the peripheral undercover that day, something unexpected happened.

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