His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1272: the truth! It turns out everything is a bureau! (2)

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In a hurry, the comrade-in-arms led the person away, allowing him to return to Yingzhai smoothly, but he could not return to his house, letting people know when he was back, so as not to cause Atuchai's suspicion.

Just then, Li Mengyao approached him and said to him carefully: "I just saw you with that man. You won't be a policeman."

He certainly couldn't admit it at that time, but his eyes were cold and dangerous: "Of course not!"

"Even if it's not the police, you must be undercover, right?" When Li Mengyao asked her like this, her voice was trembling.

His lips were tight and he thought silently, how much Li Mengyao saw and how much he heard. If the plan changed because of her, then she must not be allowed to stay in Yingzhai any more, but she must find a way to get her out. The coming will also arouse the suspicion of Atuchai.

"Are you going to make a movie?" He lit a cigarette with a lighter, his tone was cold and casual, even with a little mockery.

He could not admit that he was a soldier, but he could not ignore the law and kill people.

"Don't lie to me, I heard it all, you said let that person think of a way to take Chihiro out first." Li Mengyao said with red eyes.

He actually heard the most important sentence. He didn't have any irritability for a while, his eyebrows turned into a stream, and his voice was warned very lowly: "Don't want to die, just shut me up."

"I don't mean to tell you. I just want to ask you to save me, and I want to leave here. As long as you are willing to save me, I will do whatever you want me to do, please ...." she said. At that time, it was a nasal sound with a crying cavity, and when it was said, it started to cry.

Since Li Mengyao saw it, it must not be considered as never happening. If Li Mengyao tells the story, it may not be a problem if he wants to escape from camp alone.

But what about Chihiro?

He couldn't let her go, but with her, neither of them could escape.

Since Li Mengyao already knew it, and he needed to produce an absence certificate that night, he agreed to Li Mengyao's request to rescue her, and she played a show with him during this period.

In fact, he is a soldier. Even if she doesn't ask him to save her, he will certainly save her.

Protecting Chinese citizens is the responsibility of Chinese soldiers!

That night, he spent the night in Li Mengyao's house, and after walking out of Li Mengyao's house the next day, everyone felt that he had a relationship with Li Mengyao.

After that, he lived in Li Mengyao's house many times, but he and Li Mengyao both knew that he had not even touched Li Mengyao's hand.


Is it just acting?

Su Qiandi was shocked: "..."

But if you think about it carefully, it seems that since Lu Yan was sleeping in Li Mengyao's house, the guards of Yingzhai suddenly became more severe.

The number of patrols and sentinels has more than tripled.

It turned out that Lu Yan was almost found out because of Lu Yanzhi.

However, even if the child is not Lu Yanzhi, it does not mean that there is nothing between them.

If you have no feelings, keep in touch, what happened in Yingzhai is not a good thing, otherwise why did Li Anyuan change her name to Li Mengyao.

Su Qianji coughed twice.

She pursed her lips and said, "Then your relationship with her seems to be very good these years. I heard Xiaobai said that you would take him to dinner with Li Mengyao if you are fine. So you can't blame me for thinking that Xiaobai is Li Mengyao son."

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