His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1273: the truth! It turns out everything is a bureau! (3)

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Lu Yanzhi originally wanted to continue to explain, after thinking about it and holding back, she had a sour tone and seemed to care about the relationship between him and Li Mengyao.

Hei Liang's eyes had a look of anticipation, and he prayed in his heart not to be affectionate himself. He smiled and said casually, "Are you jealous?"

"Be jealous? Do you look like me?" Su Qianji frowned slightly, yin and yang smiled strangely, his heart beat like a drum, but his face was never revealed.

"Xiaobai said, you want to marry Li Mengyao as Xiaobai's stepmother," of course Xiaobai did not say so. The reason why she told lies was that she did not want to be jealous about Lu Yanzhi.

Lu Yanzhi took a deep look at her, Su Qianzheng was uncomfortable in his whole body, and his eyes were sharp as if he could see through her. When she wanted to speak again, Lu Yan asked: "Atu Guess the subordinate, Zalba, do you remember? "

Of course, Su Qiandi remembered that it was a very important leader in that camp. Everyone called him Sisi.

"Zarba escaped, but he knew that I was undercover and that Li Mengyao helped me. When he left, he said he would seek revenge on Li Mengyao." He was explaining why he had been in contact with Li Mengyao all these years.

Su Qianyu: "..."

I just want to protect Li Mengyao, or find Zalba through Li Mengyao, why always bring Xiaobai.

It seemed to know what she was thinking. Lu Yanzhi said, "Li Mengyao's child was born dead. When I found Xiaobai, Xiaobai was dying. She fed Xiaobai, and Xiaobai survived. She said," Look. To Xiaobai was like seeing her son, but her child was not born, because it was caused by that action, so she said that when she wanted her son and wanted to find Xiaobai to have a meal, do you think I can refuse? ? "

Su Qiandi knew that from the perspective of Lu Yanzhi, she could not refuse, but she was angry and could not even forgive.

Because Li Mengyao didn't say it clearly, but she always hinted that Xiao Bai was her son, and he ...

"Anyway, thank you for saving my son, and thank you for teaching him so well, so smart, and cute all these years, but ..."

This was a bit wrong. Lu Yanzhi's eyes lighted up in danger, and he heard Su Qianzhang say, "I want custody."

Lu Yan stared at her face motionlessly. Her tone was not a request or a negotiation, but a decision to decide on the right to custody, but not to raise it together.

He didn't laugh sneerly at the beginning.

"Su Qiandi, you lost him after giving birth to Xiaobai. You haven't asked him for a few years. Now you say you want to take him away? Do you understand his needs? When did he call his mother? Where? When did he learn to walk, and who can walk with him ... you did n’t participate in everything, you now know his existence, the first thing is to ask for his custody? "

The look on Su Qianzhen's face moved, his eyes dropped, his tone softened, "I didn't say everything just now, it was a misunderstanding. I always thought he ... I didn't think of having a child. No matter what, the child is not There can be no mother, don't you find that Xiaobai also wants a mother? "

"Can a child not have a mother, or can he be without a father?" Lu Yanzhi's raised eyebrow was sharp like a knife, piercing directly into Su Qianyu's heart.

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