His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1274: the truth! It turns out everything is a bureau! (4)

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Su Qiandi could not find any language at once.

A child cannot have a mother, and of course he cannot have a father, especially a boy. In his growth, the role played by the father is far more important than the mother.

She put her fingers on her horns and thought for a long time before she said, "But you have been with him for a long time, five years, and I am not, I have missed him for so many years, and I do not want to miss his future ..."

Talking, her voice suddenly choked.

Lu Yan's eyes narrowed and interrupted her: "Let's get married!"

Su Qianzhang stiffened and looked at him stupidly.

Lu Yanzhi walked in front of her, Su Qianyi looked at him and saw him solemnly said, "I know you can't be the same as before, pretending not to know that Xiaobai is his own son, and I also It is impossible to give you Xiaobai, since we all insist on Xiaobai, we can only raise him together! "

Su Qianji blinked, and her lips did not know what to say: "..."

Lu Yanzhi said, "There is only one Xiaobai. If we all live with him, do you think there is a better way besides getting married?"

After a pause, he added, "Do you have a lawsuit, maybe you can **** Xiaobai, and I can tell you with certainty that even if you do, the judge will never sentence Xiaobai. Here you are, because I raised Xiaobai for five years, and he has followed me since birth, plus my profession, no matter from which aspect, the child cannot be awarded to you. "

Su Qian pursed her lips: "Then what you mean is, for Xiaobai to live together for dinner ?!"

Lu Yan's overlapping hands tightened, his handsome face was expressionlessly cold.

Of course not, he is not just marriage.

"If I say ..."

"It doesn't matter what you want to say. Li Mengyao tells me that you are in love, and she is pregnant with your child. You tell me now that you used to play with her. You have been letting Xiaobai I saw her only because she had saved the dying little white. "

Lu Yanzhi's eyes narrowed slightly and he asked, "She told you?"

Su Qianyi looked at him with four eyes, and the smile in his mouth was a little ironic: "Also, you know that I haven't met Li Mengyao, otherwise how would I know she changed her name, and I met her many times Every time, she hinted that my little white was her and your child. In order to be afraid that I couldn't see anything, from time to time I showed you the love between you.

At the beginning, she really disgusted the appearance of Xiaobai, but the soft and cute child, the smart and cute child, was a particularly flattering child, which made her feel very kind and always approached unnaturally.

Now think about it, this is probably the reason for blood relationship.

At this moment knowing that Xiao Bai is her son, she wants to truly accompany him to grow up and give him double the motherly love she has lost for so many years.

But if she wanted to make up for it, she had to let Lu Yan go straight into her life.

This was again unwilling to her.

Even if nothing happened between him and Li Mengyao, she was unwilling.

People outside the relationship, people who are always outside, always feel that a pair of men and women, or men and women with children, the misunderstanding is resolved and they should be together.

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