His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1303: Abuse scum! It's all her ghost! (twenty three)

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The change was so fast, Su Qianzhu laughed, she knew that Li Mengyao was such a person.

She turned to look at Li Mengyao with a smile.

Li Mengyao felt that she was too much. She now begged her, and she must not mess up with herself.

With his sharp nails in his palms, Li Mengyao raised his eyes and said weakly, "I was too anxious just now, Chihiro. For the sake of our common troubles, can you help me once?"

Su Qianyi sneered: "Together with adversity, then tell me, who replaced my child then?"

Li Mengyao's face paled slightly, his eyes looked at Su Qianyi with a touch of sadness: "I, I don't know."

Su Qianyi's lips sneered, and his eyes were full of narrowing: "Then you dare to swear, if the child has a relationship with you then, you will have to die well, no, rotten face, and become the ugliest Man and the ugliest ghost. "

Li Mengyao's eyes were tense, and he didn't say anything for a long time.

Su Qiandi knew that she was afraid, and the events of that year had something to do with her. She didn't want to ignore Li Mengyao, she first sent Xiao Bai to the car, and she didn't want the children to hear the adults say too much.

"Chihiro ..."

Li Mengyao called out, but Su Qianyi ignored her. Li Mengyao called again: "Chihiro ..."

Su Qiandi still ignored her, Li Mengyao was anxious, and her inner anger and unwillingness made her yell at Xiaobai directly, "Xiaobai, did you know your mother didn't want you then?"

Xiaobai glanced around, looked at Li Mengyao, and looked at Su Qianzhang with a look of confusion.

Su Qianyi was angry, and suddenly turned to stare at Li Mengyao: "Li Mengyao, please give me another try."

"I beg you, you are indifferent. If you let me die, why should I suffer?" Li Mengyao looked like a fishnet. "Your mother didn't want to have you at all. She wanted to kill you. I want to kill you !!! After I was born, she lost you directly. She didn't like you, she hated you, so you will have no mother since childhood! "

Xiaobai blinked and looked at Su Qianyu, his mouth was flattened.

Su Qianyan was so angry that he turned directly and kicked Li Mengyao's kick. Li Mengyao did not stand firmly and fell to the ground. Su Qianyu picked up the trash next to him and slammed on Li Mengyao with a painful cry.

Seeing how embarrassed she was, Su Qianyi felt a cheerful feeling in her heart, and she finally breathed out!

She got into the car and drove away, leaving Li Mengyao.

After driving for a while, she stopped at the side of the road and looked at Xiaobai and said, "I'm sorry, my mother shouldn't hit someone just now, it's not right to hit someone at will, but my mother was too angry just now."

"Mom wants me, and always wants me, right?" Xiaobai's face was grimly, his mouth narrowed tightly.

Su Qianyi looked at his Wurun's eyes, his voice was a bit dry, "Of course, my mother's favorite is you, and I definitely won't want you. The reason why I didn't show up before you was because I thought you were not my child. If I knew you were my son, I would never ignore you. Sorry, Xiaobai, my mother has missed you for so many years. "

Talking, her eyes were red.

"I believe in mother, don't cry ..." Said Xiaobai Xiaoma, and kissed Chihiro's face.

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