His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1304: Abuse scum! It's all her ghost! (twenty four)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

In the evening, when Su Qiandi returned with Xiaobai, he found that Lu Yanzhi went home and prepared the food.

She can be sure that Xiaobai must have spoken to Lu Yanzhi on the phone before, otherwise why would snack food say that she would take her home.

The man was wearing an army green shirt, his short hair was soft and scattered, and the sun poured on his handsome man's face. He was gentle and clean, and he was clearly organizing the dining table. All art

Seeing them coming back, he turned around and looked at them and said, "There is still a fish. It will be steamed in two minutes, and I wash my hands just to eat."

Then he turned and went into the kitchen again.

Su Qiandi asked Xiaobai to wash his hands, and then went to the kitchen himself.

Lu Yanzhi looked at her, raised an eyebrow, and seemed to be asking her something.

"Come and come, talk and go, my house is not an inn, and I'm not used to the way you leave suddenly and come back suddenly ..."

Su Qianyi meant that Lu Yanzhi would n’t come over again in the future, do n’t live in her house, do n’t live in the living room, but Lu Yanzhi said, “Then I will talk to you when I leave, and I will fight you when I return Hello."

gosh! Su Qiandi rolled his eyes.

"When I bought this house, I was preparing to live by myself. There is one more person now, and I'm not used to it ..."

Lu Yanzhi interrupted Su Qianji's words again, "How come there is only one more person? Isn't there still Xiaobai?"

In a word, all the sounds of Su Qianyu were blocked.

Forget it, someone is cheeky, no matter what she says, it's impossible to get rid of it.

Su Qianyi gave Lu Yan a cool look and turned and walked out.

The table was full of delicious dishes, but Su Qiandi did not take a few bites.

Lu Yanzhi looked at her: "Why not eat?"

Su Qiandi said indifferently: "It's not like receiving a variety show, then naturally you can't eat any dinner, you need to lose weight."

"Weight loss ?! You just don't have a few or two pieces of meat. You actually want to lose weight, don't lose it, eat it." The low magnetic voice overflowed from the thin lips, Lu Yan clamped a piece of fish to Su Qianyi's bowl.

Su Qianyi's mouth slightly tilted slightly, and smiled: "Don't you know that the camera is fat and ten pounds? I look at it right now, but the camera is fat, so it must be thinner !!"

"It's pretty enough, you don't need to lose weight anymore, eat it!" Lu Yanchi's low, deep voice fell strongly, suddenly thinking of another, "Yes, did you eat lunch?"

Waiting for Su Qianji to speak out, Xiaobai next to him said loudly: "Dad, mom ate at noon, and ate a lot."

I eat so much at noon, that person who seems to be trying to lose weight, Su Qiandi who was dismantled, is suddenly embarrassed, but Xiao Bai is eating with a big mouth, and he doesn't realize what is wrong with his words.

Glancing at Lu Yanzhi's grinning smile next to him, Su Qianxu grinded his teeth and said, "Then you can eat more at noon to stay longer and lose weight. Do you understand?"

Lu Yan held a lip on his lips with a playful smile: "I didn't understand."

Su Qianyu: "..."

Damn, if you do n’t take advantage of this, she will die. She picked up chopsticks and ate something severely. When she bite the vegetables, she bite Lu Yanzhi.

The bright eyes were round, and they were clearly angry, but Yingying's eyes looked intriguing.

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