His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1305: Abuse scum! It's all her ghost! (25)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Suddenly thinking of Li Mengyao, she looked at Lu Yanzhi again and said, "In the afternoon, Li Mengyao came and said those photos were not from her?"

Lu Yanzhi was eating, and the expression on his face did not show any ups and downs: "Is she not sending those photos? We haven't seen any of them, but it is certain that the IP address belongs to her home."

"Then she's doing a show today?" Li Mengyao's acting skills are really high, and she can't be sure if Li Mengyao's statement is true or false. If it is false, then who will upload the photo and what is the purpose?

Su Qianyi asked again: "And what happened to her face? Is it because of you?"

Lu Yan asked rhetorically, "Do you think it will be me?"

Su Qiandi thought that it might not be him. Lu Yanzhi looked at Leng Yan, and he was extremely short-handed, but his three views were especially positive, and his bones were very hot. He wanted to see who was not pleasing to the eye, or who he wanted to sharpen At times, people will never give people such a trick.

He will give the other party a very direct pleasure, this is his character, very crisp.

Su Qiandi wondered, since it was not Lu Yanzhi, who would it be?

She wrinkled her face and fell into deep thought.

That night, Su Qianyu was preparing to bathe Xiaobai, and suddenly received a call from Erji.

Su Erzheng's tone was very anxious, saying only that something had happened at home, so Chihiro hurried back.

Chihiro lost Xiaobai to Lu Yanzhi, and put on his coat to go out.

She drove back to Su's house at the fastest speed. Eryi was standing outside now. When she saw her, she ran up and said, "Chihiro, you are finally here."

Su Qianyi worried and asked: "Erh, what happened to the time and the second uncle, what happened, what you said on the phone is not very clear."

Su Erzhen sighed, "I don't know what happened. Your second brother went home today and his face was very bad. He called back directly to call back time. The old man was not healthy. They went to the study room when they met. Going, I overheard some outside, it seems to be noisy, it seems to be because of the project. "

"Secondary, don't worry, I'll go up and see."

Su Qianyi patted her hand comfortably, and she went upstairs. The sound insulation of the study was very good. She could only hear the quarrel from the door.

"Second Uncle, please believe me, I have never said anything, including Lu Yanchen, I have never said, let alone I did not see the reserve price at that time, I only saw the title, so how can I tell me Cousin's reserve price? "Time explained hard.

"If it wasn't for you telling your cousin, why did your cousin company just take the bid for more than 100,000 yuan, and as far as I know, your cousin has been promoted recently." The second uncle's voice was full of anger.

Su Qianzhen knocked on the door, and the people inside did not respond. She pushed the door directly and came in. "Time, second brother, what's wrong, what are you arguing about?"

Time went up immediately, holding Su Qianzhen's hand and saying, "At that time we went home for dinner. I came up and asked Uncle Er to come down for dinner. I accidentally saw an uncle's bid, but I didn't really see the price. But my second uncle didn't believe me, thinking that I had disclosed my reserve price to my cousin. "

Su Qiandi believed in time unconditionally. She looked at Uncle Su and said, "Second Brother, is there any misunderstanding in the middle?"

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