His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1311: Love! Love sleeps with time! (1)

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Time glared at him and smashed him with a small fist: "No serious!"

She smiled, her heart sweet.

Lu Yanchen also knew that she had no interest now. His long fingers lifted a strand of her hair and kissed her lips. There was a faint floral fragrance. "Your cousin company took the project. It was really an accident. It caused a big sensation in the industry circle. Some people were jealous and dug out the relationship chain. In addition, the price of the bid was really poor, so your uncle would be pushed to the cusp. "

Time asked anxiously: "Will my second uncle be okay?"

"Just doubting, and your second uncle is indeed innocent, so he will definitely be fine, but ..." Lu Yanchen said, he paused suddenly.

Time looked at him nervously, waiting for the next words.

"If this is the case, in the future, the relationship between you and your second uncle may never go back, and your grandpa will know this sooner or later, and you may not have no idea for you. You were originally Just married, plus you are not born in Su parents, and the relationship with them is already weak. After this incident, you will be embarrassed when you return to Su family. "

Time seems to understand.

She frowned: "So the real purpose of this matter is not to frame my second uncle, but to stir up my relationship with the Su family."

Suddenly she thought of Su Wencheng and looked at Lu Yanchen in amazement: "Su Wencheng, the only person I can think of who wants to worsen my relationship with Su family, but how can my cousin get into Su Wencheng?"

Lu Yanchen said: "There are generally two reasons, one is willingness, and the other is a last resort."

Time replied immediately: "My cousin must be compelled."

Lu Yanchen seemed to smile and laugh, but some were cold: "That's not necessarily true, women are all emotional animals."

He has always had an opinion on Mo Ge. If it were not for Mo Ge, he and time would not have been separated for two years, and now he was wronged to stigmatize time. His impression of Mo Ge had been extremely bad.

However, there are opinions that are considered as opinions. Mo Gean is true to the good times, and he can feel it.

Shi Guang thought while saying: "Some time ago, I found out that my cousin seemed to be in love, but she refused to admit it, mysterious, is her boyfriend Su Wencheng ?!"

Lu Yanchen denied: "That should be impossible !!"

Time asked: "Why are you so sure?"

"Sometime ago, you also read the survey data of Su Wencheng. He and your cousin are in two different cities. There is no connection with your cousin, so there will not be two people in love unless they have known each other long ago. Online dating, do you think your cousin seems to be online dating? "

Time wanted to say that that wasn't necessarily the case. Her cousin had a netizen before. The relationship was fine. She was a man. It seemed to be back in the back, but she didn't go on.

What's more, at that time, it was still young and there was no online love, and it seemed even more impossible now.

Her eyes suddenly lit up: "Yes, my cousin has talked to my sister about her boyfriend. I'll call my sister and maybe my sister will know who the man is."

Time said, reaching up to pick up the phone on the coffee table.

She called Murphy's phone, and the phone rang for a while before she was connected. As soon as she answered the phone, she seemed to hear the voice of a man ...

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