His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1312: Love! Love sleeps with time! (2)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

The first time she answered the phone, she seemed to hear the voice of a man, and then she heard her sister say, "Don't make a noise."

Time: "..."

Uh, what is her sister doing?

Saying "Don't make trouble," to a man, she subconsciously looked at Lu Yanchen, and every time she said this to Lu Yanchen, Lu Yanchen wanted to haunt her to have sex.

Could it be that her sister is with a man now ... then what?

Murphy's voice rang at the end of the phone: "Little, you haven't slept so late, is it okay to call?"

Time laughed twice: "Sister, you know it's too late? Who was the person next to you?"

"I'm in Shangzhai tonight, and grandma will return to Kyoto tomorrow." Murphy replied, flipping through the documents in his hand.

"Grandma Shang returned to Kyoto, then why did you not say goodbye to Grandma Monk, as if you were saying goodbye to Mr. Shang ..." Time murmured slowly, his voice ambiguous.

But Mo Feifei didn't realize it, let alone know that her sister had already wanted to be crooked.

"We have a little work to do, and we go to bed when we are done."

"Done, go to bed ..." Time's ears were up, and his tone gradually lightened: "Are you doing what ... inside?"

Could Fe Fei faintly say "Huh?"

It ’s an interrogative sentence. When she heard it, it was an affirmative sentence. Her little face couldn't help being red, and she was particularly embarrassed to say, "Sorry, sister, I don't know what you are doing ... important things, bothering Then you can do it first, and I'll call you after it's done ... no no no, I'll call you tomorrow. "

Then, time hung up the phone.

Could Feifi listen to the "beep" sound from the other side of the phone, and looked at Shang Mo, who was smiling with a smile on his face, and frowned slightly: "How are you ... so strange."

"Are you there?" Said Shang Mo, but Shang Mo laughed more fun.

"Let's finish this PPT and go to bed soon. We have to get up early tomorrow." Mo Feifei didn't wear too much, and his body was a bit cold. I couldn't help sneezing.

Shang Mo immediately took off her coat and put it on her body: "Well, let's go to sleep and do it tomorrow. I'll just make an excuse to postpone it for two days."

Mo Feifei looked at him, Shang Mo said to him, "How can that be, I don't want to enjoy special treatment."

Just a little bit can get the PPT done, and what can be done immediately, why have to take two or three days?

Shang Mo stooped and got closer to her. She seemed to be able to feel his breath, holding her cheek with one hand. Such an act clearly wanted to kiss her.

And the man who took off his glasses exudes an air of evil charm, making this man **** and charming full of temptation in the scene of blurred lights.

Could it be that she was biting her lip and controlling a beating heart.

She wanted to take off her clothes and give Shang Mo: "You only have a shirt if you take off your coat. What if you catch a cold?"

Shang Mo held her hand and looked at her like this: "I heard that when two people are together, one person catches a cold first, and the virus will be taken away, then the other person will not be sick again."

As he said, he approached Mo Feifei again, lowered his head slightly, and saw her slender neck, collarbone, faint and white softness ... The throat knot slipped unconsciously, and her heart was itchy.

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