His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1328: Love! Love sleeps with time! (18)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

It's just an ordinary exchange match. There aren't many people in the auditorium. There are only a few people scattered.

When time followed the coach through the stadium, I saw Lu Yanchen in the audience and waved with them. I was really embarrassed. I didn't expect that so many people came. The elder sister knew that she had a match, and she brought Mo Geun to relax, and other people would come, but she didn't know it at all.

After entering the backstage with the coach, Lin Qiqi saw her and waved from a distance: "Time, here."

She said something to the coach and walked towards Lin Qiqi. Suddenly a strange girl stopped her.

Time blinked at her, a little familiar, and she smiled, greeting him politely: "Hello."

But the girl was not polite, staring coldly at her: "Long time, no time."

Time passed, then asked with a smile: "Excuse me, you are ..."

The girl frowned. It seemed strange that time could not recognize her. The stiff voice seemed to be grinded from her teeth: "I'm Park Yinxian, don't tell me you have memory loss."

Think of it this way, time should always remember it.

But when he heard the time, he blurted out subconsciously: "Who is Park Yinxian?"

Seeing that time couldn't understand his head, he didn't know his own look at all, and Park Yinxian was so angry that his face turned blue and red, and his eyes almost glared.

Probably didn't expect that she was still remembering time, and as a result, time forgot her.

Time was embarrassing, and I apologized to Park Yin-hyun, "Did we know each other before?"

Park Yinxian's face was ugly. She didn't go back and left.

Leave a look of some inexplicable time.

Lin Qiqi came to Time in doubt, and asked with a smile, "Do you know each other before?"

Time shrugged: "I don't know, who is she? I just searched quickly in my head, where I've seen this girl before. I'm familiar, but I don't remember, and I don't remember Where have I seen this Korean before? And in memory, I don't seem to know any Koreans. Is he a member of this game? "

Lin Qiqi was startled: "No, you don't know who she is? Hey, have you not seen the information exchanged by the South Korean team, this time your biggest opponent, you are all focusing on short distance freestyle."

"It's no wonder that it's familiar, it turned out to be in the data." Time realized that Park Yinxian was still watching, smiled, and asked in a low voice, wondering, "Which opponent, isn't the exchange match just a relay race?"

Lin Qiqi nodded: "Yes, only relay races are arranged, but you are both the fourth best 100m freestyle swimmers, so they are considered opponents, and I read the information, her style is very similar to you."

Silent time: "..."

Lin Qiqi looked at her suspiciously: "Equally, they are the fourth best, and they are also freestyle swimmers, so who will they be? You don't really have a slight impression. Generally, the same project is not a friend Comrade, that's the opponent! "

Time shrugged her shoulders, indicating that she really didn't know, and went to change clothes with Lin Qiqi.

The first is Lin Qiqi ’s butterfly stroke, and the middle is backstroke, breaststroke, and time freestyle.

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