His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1329: Love! Love sleeps with time! (19)

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Freestyle was the last shot. Time stood on the departure platform after the third breaststroke entered the water. Park Yinxian also stood up at the same time. Time looked at her and smiled at her. As a result, Park Yinxian ignored her and looked a little angry. , Just turned around and put on swimming goggles, carefully adjusted the swimming goggles and swimming cap, a look ready to go.

The speed of the first three bats was similar, and in the end the Chinese team dropped slightly.

When the teammates came over, time was ready to move. She kept her eyes on her teammate's hand. When she touched the wall with her hand, she immediately entered the water and moved forward.

Prior to this, Park Yinxian was also in the water, but the jumping ability of time was amazing.

Although Park Yinxian was one step closer, she entered the water and immediately lined up with Park Yinxian.

After entering the water, the speed of time is very fast. Of course, Park Yinxian is not bad. The two sprinted hard and splashed, almost rubbing the hearts of the coaches and leaders on both sides.

Although it is only an exchange match, no one wants to lose.

The two have been on a par with each other. The last twenty meters broke out at the same time. Finally, time touched the wall with an advantage of 0.1 second.

Time coaches and teammates immediately cheered. Time went ashore and hugs with teammates, everyone was particularly happy.

I originally thought that this exchange match ended perfectly, but suddenly a sound came out: "The fourth stick foul."

At the moment when the game was full, you were silent, you look at me and I look at you, you are guessing how to foul.

At this time, the coach of the South Korean team said forward: "In a relay match, all players must start from the water, and the first player must touch the wall before the second player can leave the pool. A four-bat freestyle athlete, she had left the pool before the third shot touched the wall, so it was a foul. "

Time was dumbfounded: "..."

Just now, she kept keeping an eye on her teammate's hand, and the moment she touched the wall, she set off.

What a foul.

She looked subconsciously at Zhang Shulin.

This is not a formal competition, it is just an exchange competition, so if there is no recording, then naturally there will be no video playback.

Zhang Shulin's face was hard to look at, and coach Li's face was also hard to look at. The leaders' faces were even more ugly, and even the team members were all blue.

"It's so shameless. I know that fouls are used to talk about things, and we win by slandering others."

"I rely on it. Obviously I ca n’t afford to lose. If I lose, I will say that the opponent is foul. This is the old routine of the sticks. I will do it in any sports meeting. I just did n’t expect to miss even an exchange match."

"Only four words, disgusting!"


The team members murmured that most of them didn't understand, but Park Yinxian could speak Chinese, she completely understood, and her face was dark.

She glared forward and said in unfamiliar Chinese: "We are not losing! We just talk about your fouls! Scolded us to win by fouls, but how could you win the game if you didn't foul just now !! "

Then she said something in Korean. Anyway, she couldn't understand it anymore. All she knew was that they started mumbling like ducks.

I do n’t know what they said in the end, anyway, when I heard coach Li frown, "Doping is forbidden in our country. Please pay attention to words. All of our athletes rely on real strength. As for fouls ..."

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