His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1330: Love! Love sleeps with time! (20)

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"As for fouls ... I always think that fouls in swimming competitions should be the least common. Today is an exchange match, which is to learn from each other. In our ancient times, only masters could be called mutual learning, regardless of winning or losing."

The words are thorny in the front, and it is very meaningful to mock them, but no matter how unhappy it is, Coach Li is still big and wants to pass things on.

If you know that the South Korean gold coach must have another one: "The Wenliu is also a competition, we should respect it. In the last 100 meters freestyle, it is better to come again. This is also irrelevant to win or lose, only because of respect for the two athletes.

Dead silence in the hall. Having said that, what can everyone say.

Time went on the platform with Park Yinxian.

Just a moment ago, Lin Qiqi made a time with Park Yinxian, which seemed to be as big as time, almost the same speed, and similar in style.

When the time was about to surpass Park Yinxian, she was faster and faster than her opponents. For a while, she couldn't exceed her. In the end, she would win. Because of her height advantage, her hand length can take advantage of 0,01 to 0,05 seconds.

"Ready!" Coach Li shouted directly without a trigger.

Shiguang and Park Yinxian bent down at the same time, clasped the body of the pool forward, and the clear water reflected their complexions at this moment.


Coach Li shouted again, the two leaped up at the same time, and went into the water, the sound of the water overlapping, it can be said that every second is not bad.

There were two rows of waves in the pool, with the momentum of mountains and seas.

The speed is too fast, and the gap is not large. To the naked eye, it is impossible to distinguish who comes first, which is as exciting as a suspense movie.

Lu Yanchen frowned. Looking at the time in the water, I always felt that she is special today. He is not a professional judge, and he does not know whether this is particularly good or bad, because he encountered this Park Yinxian, or because he passed Years have grown.

But her worry that day always made him inexplicably feel something wrong. As far as he knew her, she shouldn't be so nervous.

But that day, she showed unprecedented anxiety, so holding him tightly was definitely for a reason, maybe it had something to do with Park Yin-hyun.

Su Qianyu, who was sitting next to Lu Yanchen, trembled with a single heart: "Will time be won? I can't see who is ahead of me, it feels similar."

"On this, she has never allowed herself to lose ..." But today, it is a bit suspenseful, but he has a mystery that she will win.

"Su Wencheng has been caring for you all these years. Seeing that he has done a lot for you, he should take you as his aunt ..." Lu Yan continued the topic they were talking about.

Su Qianzhen, who was talking about this, was particularly uncomfortable. Lu Yanchen obviously lied, and he didn't think so at all.

Su Qiandi smiled lightly: "I know him, he does everything for a purpose, including being good to me, please rest assured, I won't waver !!"

The man Lu Yanchen is as rumored as the highest cold and arrogant, alienated and indifferent to everyone!

Even if she was the aunt of time, but did not believe her, this was giving her a shot.

Fortunately, he was married to time, and loved time very well. Otherwise, if he stood on the opposite side, it would be really terrible. He would be deeper than Su Wencheng. If Su Wencheng did not meet him, he would not be forced To this step.

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