His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1345: sweet! Dog abuse is everywhere! (5)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

It is a wonderful thing for heroes to save beauty in any novel or TV series. Then between them, it is the beginning of a nightmare.

"I'm no longer a 18-year-old little girl. The thoughts of the little girls are very simple, just like time and Lu Yanchen. No matter how unpleasant they were, they can make up and talk, and then be happy. Hearts are together, but we are not the same. We are all so big. We have already passed the impulsive age. When deciding everything, we must think carefully about whether this decision is a pros or cons! "

Su Qiandi said lightly.

She looked at Lu Yanzhi, moved her lips and wanted to say something, but was interrupted directly by Lu Yanzhi.

"I understand what you mean. You're not rejecting me or dislike me, it just takes time to think, right?"

Su Qian was silent, wondering how to answer: "..."

Lu Yanzhi didn't give her too much time to consider. He said: "If you don't say anything, I will assume you are the default. You have no such idea, but I also have something to say to you, the content is similar. But accidents are the exact opposite. "

Su Qianyu: "..."

Lu Yan was solemn and looked straight into her eyes and said, "Su Qianji, listen carefully. When we met you, we were not 18 or 19 years old. Everything I did was seriously considered. .Before the earliest, I was not without a way to let you go. I could choose, but I was unwilling to choose. The reason had nothing to do with whether I love you or not. Because I am a soldier, I can die with you, but the task You have to go on, you may live, but I still have to be frank and tell you clearly, because I can't escape with you. "

Su Qianyu's hand on his side tightened tightly. Lu Yanzhi's words meant that he was not taking time to consider at all, but was running away like a coward.

Even if she is wrong?

extremely suspicious.

Should n’t the injured person have multiple eyes?

Falling in the same place can be called an accident, but falling twice in the same place is really stupid.

"I know that you are not happy, and I was indeed wrong at that time. If I was able to control my emotions and clarify things well, I would not let you suffer so much, because it was too unexpected at that time, and In that operation, I also lost two of my most important comrades-in-arms. When I returned, I heard you say that again ... so my mentality was very explosive! "

In this remark, Su Qianzheng said his eyes were wet.

She didn't know his comrades at the time ... if you knew it, it wouldn't be so exciting to stimulate him at the time, she also knew it afterwards, but she was already sent away at that time, she hesitated to let the person who sent her, Bring him a few words, but in the end he was silent.

"You are wronged and have suffered so hard with me. Thank you for helping me to give birth to you. I like you and love you. Would you like to be with me? This is what I wanted to talk to you. It's not that you never thought that these words should never let you know, but ... "

His words were carefully and arduously flattering.

As a result, Su Qianyi was even more angry: "I don't want you to tell me!"

Lu Yanzhi was helpless: "I mean rebirth, I don't want to love you anymore, but I can't control it, otherwise I would have married someone else already!"

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