His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1346: sweet! Dog abuse is everywhere! (6)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

"Marry, I haven't let you marry." Su Qianxuan angered.

"She also said that she was not eighteen or nineteen years old, and you don't talk about children now." He had already passed the age of impulsiveness and irritability, but she was obviously not confused with the confused young teenager. Can't help but sigh, "It's really old."

The last half of the sentence made Su Qianzhang laugh.

Su Qianxuan lay down and stared up at him: "You finally admit that you are old, uncle Bensi."

The next second, Lu Yan leaned over, and in the dimly-colored bedroom, the man pressed the woman in his body and kissed fiercely.

Su Qianzhuang was stiff, and she pushed the sheets out of a small vortex. She realized that she wanted to push people away after she had a fever. In the next second, Lu Yanzhi retreated first, her voice was deep and gentle, and she seduced slowly. Responsibility: "Dare to laugh at me, huh? How old are you, I still pack you up!"

After all, kissed again, different from just now, this time the kiss was turbulent and violent, eager and rude, almost like swallowing her.

Su Qianxu kissed him with a blank head, some wondering what it is tonight.

Until the ringtone of the mobile phone suddenly sounded, like a thunder exploded in his head, Su Qianzhang stiffened, turned back to God, and reached out to push Lu Yanfu next second,

The temperature on his lips suddenly disappeared, Lu Yan frowned disappointedly, glanced at the noisy cell phone, reached out and grabbed it to connect, the tone was extremely bad: "What are you calling at this time?"

"Is Dad?" Xiao Bai's voice screamed in shock across the opposite side. "It was my mother who asked me to call me, and said that I would come and pick me up. Why didn't I come yet. Huh, mom ..."

"Okay, you are a boy, don't always be spoiled !!" Lu Yan said coldly, pressing the phone hands-free, and moved to Su Qianyu.

Another fierce son, Su Qianyi gave Lu Yan a stubborn glance, and then smiled at Xiaobai and said, "Xiaobai, my mother has something to do today, I'm sorry, my mother will pick you up tomorrow."

"Mom, dad bullied me."

"Don't bother him. Mom loves Xiaobai the most and hurts Xiaobai the most."

"I also love mom the most. Dad is a bad guy."

Listening to the conversation between the mother and the child, Lu Yanzhi's eyes narrowed slightly, and the air pressure in his body dropped instantly. But when Xiaobai heard the next sentence, he smiled again.

"Mom, you were just in love with your dad?"


"Grandma said that the parents are in love when they are in the bedroom to exercise. Adults cannot fall in love with children."

Su Qianzhang understood what he meant, suppressing his shameful face, and said softly: "No, don't talk nonsense."

Look at Lu Yanzhi next to him, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, he said to the phone: "Okay, boy, I'll pick you up later." He paused and said, "Now don't disturb your parents fall in love."

Su Qiandi was stunned, only to think that this man was a century-old hooligan. When Lu Yanzhi hung up the phone, she glared angrily at Lu Yanzhi: "You will teach my son this way!"

Lu Yan was undressed, and his eyes were bright and bright: "Begin, fall in love!"

Su Qianxian stared at him with red ears and red eyes: "Can you not play hooligan? Keep a little image of your soldier."

Lu Yan held his chin up, "No hooligan, how can I accept you as a fairy? !!!"

Su Qianyu: "..."

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