His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1367: Waves! However, the feelings are shallow! (17)

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Mo Feifei moved back to his home. Shang Mo didn't leave her or send her. He seemed really angry or could not stand her indifference and decided to give up on her.

She leaned over and leaned on the sofa. It is okay to think so.

They all need to think calmly.

But some people did not allow her to be quiet, and did not give her a space to think about, forcibly squeezed into her life.

This person is Wang Caichun.

The doorbell rang, and Mo Feifei opened the door and looked at Wang Caichun standing outside for a while.

She and Wang Caichun have met very poorly. Except for the last meal, she did n’t even say a few words, but she knows that Wang Caichun is a very familiar girl. If you like someone, you ’re special enthusiasm.

Wang Caichun carried the two packages of wine and snacks bought in the supermarket and said, "I listened to the time and said that you were in love, and I was afraid you were sad, so I came with you."

"I'm not sad." Murphy said lightly, meaning she didn't need anyone to accompany.

Wang Caichun sat down suspiciously, and looked at her closely.

It's still the same as before, it's always faint, it seems that there has never been anything that can make her particularly happy, and nothing can make her particularly sad.

In addition, she has always been taciturn and talked very little. Looking at it now, it is no different from normal times.

"How could someone who is broken in love not be sad." Wang Caichun sighed: "Don't bear to hide, I know you must be uncomfortable, tell me that it doesn't matter, I will not tell others, and I am online But famous emotional bloggers solve the emotional problems of many people every day. "

Mo Feifei narrowed his eyes and looked at her meaningfully: "You and Chu Mubei are divorced."

"Ah," Wang Caichun froze for a moment, then he laughed twice, "Is Chu Mubei preparing to divorce, isn't it sooner or later?"

Couldn't look at her with a smile.

Wang Caichun was uncomfortable looking at her: "I am completely different from yours. I have no feelings for Chu Mubei. I really just had a cooperative marriage with him. In order not to be forced to marry at home, I had to get married. "

Could it be a faint "oh" sound.

The sound was heard in Wang Caichun's ears, and it was like a negative character.

She didn't want to continue her topic, and frowned and asked Mo Feifei, "Why did you break up with your boyfriend."

"do not know."

"This arrogant person breaks up at every turn. Can she not treat her feelings as a joke ?!" At the back, Wang Caichun's tone was not very good. She instantly found that her tone was gone, and smiled. , Put his hand on Mo Feifei's shoulder: "I just want to say that in this world, it's really hard to meet someone you like and at the same time like you. Really met, don't give up."

"If you like them all, you really shouldn't give up!" Murphy smiled.

She looked at Wang Caichun and said in a voice, "In fact, if you really like him, tell him, you don't say he never knows."

Wang Caichun froze, staring at Mo Feifei with round eyes: "What are you talking about?"

Seeing her erecting her protective gear like a hedgehog, she resignedly smiled.

She said intently: "When I ate that day, the lady Shen said a word. I really like it. Even if I tried hard, I failed. At least I have no regrets and I have a clear conscience."

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