His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1368: Waves! However, the feelings are shallow! (18)

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Wang Caichun's face paled a bit, and then she adjusted again soon. She smiled at Mo Feifei, but smiled very reluctantly, as if she was about to cry.

Murphy also smiled, but didn't know what to say.

I ate that night, although Wang Caichun had been emphasizing that she and Chu Mubei only cooperated in marriage, and then they did n’t care about Chu Mubei and Shen Yiren interacting, as if they were outsiders.

But she still felt it, all this was just a mirror.

Today, Wang Caichun came and said that she was afraid she was sad.

It should be that she is going to divorce, sad, but it is not known, so she came to find her, who is also broken.

She didn't want to explore Wang Caichun's heart, nor was she the kind of person who liked to gossip. She is all confused now, unable to understand her own feelings, and she will not understand the feelings of others.

Some time ago, Mo Feifei's room was pretend to be simple, and Shang Mo helped her make it. The warm-colored room was a girl's heart.

The sunlight wafted in through the glass windows, giving people a feeling of warmth.

"Your room is so beautiful! Did you design it yourself?" Wang Caichun looked around and asked Mo Feifei.

"No, it was made by my boyfriend." Mo Feifei remembered Shang Mo at that time, and after sitting at her house for a few minutes, she said that the room was too heavy, which had to be messy.

"Wow, your boyfriend is good." Wang Caichun shook her long splash of hair and leaned on the sofa and sighed: "If only I also met such a boyfriend."

"Chu Mubei is actually pretty good."

"Yes, he is also very good, but unfortunately the person he likes is not me. I used to think that it would be good to be with him. It doesn't matter whether it's love or not, but ..." Wang Caichun said with a bitter smile .

"You married him because you liked it ..." ... not because you liked him after you got married, it was a bit of a surprise.

There is nothing wrong with Wang Caichun being a rich second generation, but she is not the traditional rich second generation. In the eyes of the traditional giants, their family can only be regarded as an upstart, and she is the daughter of the upstart.

When she first attended the banquet in the circle, she was ridiculed by a group of girls that day. There was a girl who even stepped on her skirt with high heels. She didn't find it. When she turned, the skirt was torn down. Everyone sneered at her mockingly.

She was really helpless at the time and was so anxious to cry.

At this moment, a pure, tall and thin boy came over. When the girls saw the boy, the expression on their faces changed instantly, all of them looked like shameful young girls, and looked at them with shame. That guy.

And she was stupidly in place, her skirt was half off.

At that time, she thought that boys should bully her, dislike her, and mock her, just like these girls.

But what she didn't expect was that the boy not only bullied her, disliked her, mocked her, but also crouched down in front of her. She was frightened and turned back subconsciously, and this time, the boy pulled her skirt , Pull hard.

Then stood up and smiled slightly at her: "This skirt is the most beautiful to tear off this skirt!"

She was stunned.

Many people around the girl made hate sounds, and the jealous eyes could not wait to eat her.

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