His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1378: Waves! However, the feelings are shallow! (28)

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Wang Caichun smiled, "Yeah, are you jealous?"

"What vinegar ..." Mo Feifei said calmly, "I don't really care. I just don't like a man. I keep saying I like you and love you. I have to live with you in this life. As a result, I quarrel. I associate with other girls. "

"This is not normal. There are too many such men in this society. I don't believe you haven't met it. The reason you are so angry is not because it happened to your boyfriend. You are jealous when you are jealous. It ’s the same as killing you, ”Wang Caichun said, looking up and down Mo Feifei, wondering,“ will you not be jealous for the first time? ”

Mo Feifei: "..."

She didn't like Chu Mubei very much, how could she not feel a sad and sad look after divorce.

Sometimes she was really envious of Wang Caichun, looking at her heartless and heartless, she seemed to be simple and straightforward to treat anyone and things. She laughed when she was happy, and she cried when she was unhappy. Bad, it's over.

Wang Caichun snorted: "Ah ?! Are you really jealous for the first time?"

Mo Feifei: "..."

Wang Caichun said with a smile: "Okay, okay, I don't tease you, in fact, there is nothing to be jealous. Isn't it normal to love someone to be jealous?"

Murphy murmured, "Is it jealous to love someone?"

"Of course, some time ago, when Shen Yiren came back, Chu Mubei was so excited that I was very jealous. When he chased after Shen Yiren every day, I was even more jealous. Now I think in my mind that they are in Sweet together, I'm still jealous, hey, who made me love him. "

Wang Caichun was talking, her emotions were suddenly very low, and there was a trace of silence in the murmur: "Before, I thought that as long as I loved him, I just married him. I do n’t care if he loves me or not. , But really married, I really found that he liked someone, only to find that he is not a saint, watching him so good to Shen Yiren, could not help but be jealous, jealousy going crazy ... "

Could Feifei be a little surprised to see Wang Caichun ...

Sure enough, love does not mean forgetting, forgetting, hurting, nor does it mean that good can be good.

Wang Caichun wasn't as heartless and heartless as she thought, she just used to be superficial and happy, covering up her true emotions.

If you love a person, you will be jealous and jealous. Her unclear feeling suddenly becomes clear and transparent like a broken cloud.

So she also loves Shang Mo.

Because he loves Shang Mo, he is particularly angry that he is with other girls.

Because I love Shang Mo, I left indignantly.

It turned out that even if she was always cold, warm, and not slow, even if the breakup was calm, it did not mean that she had no love.


Shang Mo sat at the bar and looked at the wine glass in front of him without saying a word.

Standing on the mountain and the sea outside the house, glanced at Shang Mo in the house through the glass window, and then recovered his gaze and looked at each other. Although he didn't say anything, he knew in his heart that after all, Miss Feife had to break up with Mr. It's no secret, not to mention they were still there that day.

"Mr. Shang, are you going to forget it?" Dashan asked lightly. The sea does not often follow Mr. Shang, so he does not know some things.

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