His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1379: Waves! However, the feelings are shallow! (29)

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"It doesn't matter how you can do it, you heard it that day, the lady of right and wrong is going to break up, Mr. Shang can't keep people locked up." The sea was a little bit angry.

"Mr. Shang should go and find Miss Feifei." Dashan also said that he had been with Shang Mo, but he knew how much Mr. Shang loved Miss Feifei.

"Why did Mr. Shang find Miss Feifei? Miss Feifei broke up by herself. As far as I said, they are not suitable at all. It's better to divide. But it's not that she doesn't want her to study abroad. Well, women, you should stay at home and have children. "

Da Shan glanced at him coldly, "As you said, the whole thing is still Miss Feifei's fault."

"Not so."

"But I don't think Miss Feifei is wrong," Dashan was very upset after hearing what he said. "She's only in love with Mr. Monk now. What's wrong with her going to school? It's wrong for Mr. Shang to stop this, no matter what the starting point is It ’s Mr. Shang who did the wrong thing first, and it was taken for granted that Miss Feifei broke up. But do n’t look at a bunch of women embracing Mr. Shang. Ms. Feifei did n’t care at all. Besides, Miss Feifei came back that day. Ignore others, and then Miss Feife left. "

"Who the **** are you? You are not afraid that Mr. Shang will fire you directly."

"Then you go to Mr. Shang and talk about Miss Feifei now, and see if he will keep you."

"I'm not stupid."

"You are not stupid, who is stupid."


You and I said nothing to each other, and I didn't find Shang Mo in the room. I don't know when I came out, not far behind them.

When the mountains and the sea passed, they only saw Shang Mo driving out.

The two were startled on their backs, and scared into a cold sweat.

"Mr. Shang heard our conversation just now?"

"do not know."

"Where is Mr. Shang? Looking for Miss Feifei?"



Shang Mo drove the car and turned around without any purpose on the road. It was only nine o'clock in the evening, and each house was brightly lit, but the window belonging to her room was dark.

So long asleep?

Breaking up was really simple for her.

No matter how he treats her, won't she fall in love with him?

Sometimes thinking about it, he really wanted to let go.

But letting go means that he will lose her forever. In the future, someone will have her, and she will laugh in the arms of others, which is absolutely not allowed by him!

Da Shan said that he was wrong. No matter what the purpose was, he had done wrong first, so it was normal for her to break up.

He was not a joke-maker, nor did he want to break up.

Everyone outside said that he turned his hands into clouds and covered his hands with rain. It was almost omnipotent, but at this moment he found that he couldn't do anything, but he didn't do anything, which was so unlike him ... Hesitated for a few seconds, then pushed the car door, got off the car and went upstairs, stood at the door of Murphy, and hesitated for a while, then reached out and knocked.

But for a long time, no one opened the door.

Shang Mo's frosty eyes closed tightly, so she didn't fall asleep, but was not at home.

He took out his cell phone and called, but he paused after thinking about it.

He kept renting the room opposite, and did not retreat, he turned to the room opposite.

So you have n’t come home late and do n’t know where to go?

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