His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1397: The sour smell of love all over the world (17)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Shi Guang and Mr. Mo came out together, and they both talked and laughed, and looked happy.

Wang Caichun's face turned black. You must be steady in time. Although this Mr. Mo is also very attractive, you are married after all.

Seeing that her face was so ugly, Chu Mubei only treated her as if she was eating, with a mockery in her mouth, as if mocking Wang Caichun.

Wang Caichun glanced at it, only feeling that Chu Mubei was particularly naive. Fortunately, what she had in mind was Mr. Mo's assistant to the Buddhist department. He had no idea about Mr. Mo from beginning to end.

Otherwise, he will be ridiculed, and then he will be worried.

Chu Mubei was trying to say something. The next second, his expression froze.

"Cai Chun, Mr. Mo wants to invite us out to play." Shiguang walked to Wang Caichun, said with a smile, and looked at Chu Mubei, "There must be you."

Chu Mubei's entire body froze, looking at Wang Caichun's gaze, cold eyes threatening.

As if to say, if you dare to go you will be dead.

But Wang Caichun ignored him completely and nodded and promised: "Okay, Mr. Mo, shall we go now?"

"Um." Mr. Mo nodded slightly, forgetting that he came to Shang Mo and made an invitation gesture.

Chu Mubei's face had been dark for a long time, and countless eyebrows swept towards Wang Caichun, but Wang Caichun continued to ignore him and left with time and Mr. Mo.

by! !! This woman, she can't see it. Does this surname Mo want to follow the time?

She actually took the time to go out, really in order to chase a man, the rhythm of selling her friends.

Otherwise, you can't let the surname Mo pry Lao Lu's wall. He glanced at the fruit tray placed on the coffee table, calmly faced the floor, and knocked on the door to hit Lu Yanchen.

Lu Yanchen was busy with the fortifications and told him to come in, but he didn't look up and didn't look at Chu Mubei.

Chu Mubei was more anxious: "The surname Mo is here again today, and he is particularly interested in your time sister. Just when you watched the sister Shiguang laughed and called a sensuality, when the sister Shiguang went to the kitchen, he was still Followed up, and said to ask the sister of time to go out, Lao Lu, you quickly called the sister of time and asked where they went? But don't be kidnapped. "

Lu Yanchen raised his eyes, and his sharp eyes fell on his face like a blade.

"So what do you look at me for? I stopped you just now, but I didn't stop it," Chu Mubei said with a calm face, "I didn't expect that the surname Mo was really good. How long have I known each other? Wang Caichun's stupid person is interesting to him That's okay, even the sister of time was hooked by her. "

This remark was abrupt, and Lu Yanchen squinted slightly.

At this moment, the black clouds rose on the north side of Chu Mu, a look of righteous indignation.

"Wang Caichun also went out with time?" Lu Yanchen asked.

"That stupid woman, thinking that a man wants to be crazy, can't blame it if you can't go out." Chu Mubei gritted his teeth and said.

"Time doesn't like me checking her post. You call Wang Caichun and ask her where she is?" Lu Yanchen said lightly.

"I've divorced her. It's not appropriate to call again. Besides, where does Wang Caichun care about me?" Chu Mubei started with a cold hum, "I say you, Lao Lu, hurry up Do n’t just stay at home as a grudge! "

Lu Yanchen said deeply, "Indeed, resentment."

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