His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1398: The sour smell of love all over the world (18)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Lu Yanchen said deeply, "Indeed, resentment."

Chu Mubei couldn't hear Lu Yanchen's words, and he drew in the corner of his mouth, "You really haven't seen it, you don't know the surname Mo, and how much you feel for your time sister, anyway, I already told you, you It's up to you to take care of yourself. By the time someone gets bored, don't blame me for not reminding you. "

Then he turned around smartly and went out, but after going out, he stood in the corridor without expression, and did not leave immediately.

But he stood outside for a while, and did not hear Lu Yanchen's voice coming from inside.

The old Lu Xin is really big, forget it, no matter what, he still loves whatever he likes, don't quarrel with the time sister at that time, so angry at him.

Chu Mubei returned to his bedroom, but returned to the living room without sitting for two minutes in the bedroom. The TV in the living room turned on, and he glanced at the wall clock occasionally.

Time has passed by a minute and a second, and it has not been back in the evening. What is Lao Lu doing? His wife went out with a strange man, but he didn't come back so late, he was not worried at all?

Feifei in the middle went downstairs and asked about Time and Wang Caichun.

At least you should go downstairs and ask.

I really do n’t understand how his chaotic personality caught up with his time sister.

Just then, Shiji and Mo Feifei returned.

Unlike the happy face when they went out, they came back at this moment with a bitter look, as if they were particularly sad.

Time said in a low mood: "I'll go up first."

Then he turned around and went upstairs silently.

And Wang Caichun waved her hand and went to another staircase. Chu Mubei, who was already angry, was full of suspicion at this moment.

"What happened to you?" Chu Mubei followed and asked.

Wang Caichun ignored her and continued to move forward with a sad look.

After waiting for a long time, I felt as a friend and worried about Chu Mubei who had been there for a long time, suddenly angry, and she sang aloud, "Wang Caichun, are you dumb?"

He stretched her arm for a moment.

Wang Caichun, in a bad mood, shakes off his hand: "What are you doing?"

"I should ask you this, what happened when you went out with Time Sister, why did you come back with a widow face, shit, I'm not dead yet!" Chu Mubei gritted his teeth.

"You're dead, I'm not a widow!" Wang Caichun stabbed him fiercely: "Come on, don't bother me, I'm in a bad mood right now."

Upon hearing that, Chu Mubei laughed and said, "Deserve it, you don't look at you, and you don't clean up yourself. Your face is sallow, just like a yellow-faced wife. A man won't like you."

Then she pinched her face.

Wang Caichun patted Chu Mubei's hand and yelled at him: "Get out, you dandy, no woman really likes you in a lifetime!"

Then continue on.

Chu Mubei continued to follow Wang Caichun like a tail: "Hey, look at your pitiful look. The surname Mo is bullying you. I already saw that the surname Mo is not a good thing, suggesting that You, you do n’t listen to yourself, and now he is deceived and played with, you ... "

"You shut up." Wang Caichun interrupted him: "He is much better than you !!!"

Chu Mubei became depressed, and this depression made him particularly angry.

He cared for her kindly ...

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