His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1403: The sour smell of love all over the world (23)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Chu Mubei immediately called the assistant: "Book me a ticket to return to China immediately, the sooner the better."

After hanging up, Chu Mubei headed straight for the airport.

Shen Yiren must never go wrong.

In his freshman year, he liked a girl.

The girl was beautiful and versatile, and he pursued that girl. One week later, the girl became his girlfriend, and he put her in her hand and it hurt.

It was the first time that I fell in love with a woman.

At the beginning of love, at that time, he was also full of longing for love, dreaming about their future.

They talked for two years, and in the third year of high school, as a special student, she followed the teacher to go out to train for half a month.

Before they left, the two were still affectionate, but when she returned, she was suddenly indifferent to him. The indifference was not superficial, but was accidentally emitted.

Being with him has also become extremely perfunctory.

Even if she covered up well, he couldn't detect it.

After a little investigation, he knew that she was fine with a male student who was training together.

He pedaled two boats and was caught straight.

He saw with his own eyes that his girlfriend was holding the other man's hand, Qingqing me and me, and he kissed the man without anybody. At that time, he felt that the weather was thunderous and the arrows were piercing.

So if you treat someone with a heartfelt reward, you will be cheating.

His first love ended with being cuckolded.

It happened that day that he was with Shen Yiren, and Shen Yiren saw it.

At that time, Shen Yiren accompanied him and comforted her.

Her every move, her smile, slowly replaced the first love.

He was completely dead, no matter how the girl explained to him and begged him to forgive him, there was no wave in his heart.

Since then, Shen Yiren, a good buddy, has become the most elegant and beautiful woman in his heart.

They have a common topic, a common hobby, and they are all working hard to pay for love.

He is first love.

And the person she likes is Big Brother.

Yes, he always knew that Shen Yiren's favorite person was his eldest brother. In order to study hard for his elder brother, he got a scholarship and went to study abroad alone to become the best woman.

How sad and sad he was when he was split by his first love.

So how painful and sad is Shen Yiren who is now rejected by his elder brother.

In a relationship, the one who is abandoned and the one who gives is always the humblest.

There is no more pain than a whole heart-to-body relationship, but the heartbreak is crushed into tens of millions, and the dull pain that comes from it can't shed tears.

And what kind of relationship between him and Yiren is not clear to him.

Woman, after he fell in love, for him, there are three types, the first one can be played casually, the other is not playable, and the other is the friend Shen Yiren.

If Shen Yiren can be with his elder brother and live happily, he will certainly bless him.

But the elder brother didn't like her, he really didn't want her to step in and she couldn't get out. As the best friend, she had accompanied him when he was the saddest, so he couldn't let her go.

Chu Mu's north mind suddenly flashed someone's crisp laughter, and she was smug when she sang the anti-key with him deliberately.

Uh, why did you think of Wang Caichun ...


PS: Selling monthly tickets ~~

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