His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1404: The sour smell of love all over the world (24)

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Missing her health, she was not allowed to stay outside for too long. After chatting with time, Wang Caichun was tired.

Mr. Mo pushed back to the ward.

The girl was lying on the hospital bed with a beautiful outline and a very good-looking appearance. She looked at Mr. Mo and sighed, "Brother, it's a pity, Sister Time is married."

Yesterday and Wang Caichun I met yesterday, she was thinking, if the sister of time can marry an older brother, why not, just because they like it.

Mr. Mo was a little speechless: "Stupid girl, what do you think?"

The girl tilted her head and looked at him: "However, I feel that my brother seems to like Sister Ah Chun better. Sister Ah Chun is also very good. She is very enthusiastic. Whoever marries her will be happy. Brother, if you marry Ah Chun Let's be a sister. "

Mr. Mo stroked her pale face, and said quietly, "Don't think about those who have nothing, take a good rest."

"Brother, if I leave, I hope someone who loves my brother will accompany my brother, and my brother will bring me to accompany me. It can be seen that these two sisters are good people, brother, if you like Sister A Chun, go Chase it. "

Niannian put his head on Mr. Mo's shoulder and said hopefully.

Although no one told her, she knew that her emotions could not be with her brother forever. If she left, her brother would be a lonely person. She wanted him to be better than anyone else!

Mr. Mo raised his hand and stroked her little head, and said lightly, "You can rest assured that your brother will not let you leave your brother. The doctor said that as long as you cooperate well, it will be fine after a while."

The eyes subconsciously glanced at the door and found that Wang Caichun stood there aggressively.

When the eyes of the two were entangled in the air, Wang Caichun immediately felt embarrassed, then waved his hands apologetically, and retreated quietly.

After lying down to coax his mind, Mr. Mo went out.

Wang Caichun, who was sitting on a chair, immediately stood up: "I wanted to tell Mr. Mo. Time received a call from Feifei's sister, something was wrong, so they left first."

Mr. Mo nodded and the two left the hospital together.

The atmosphere was quiet and no one spoke again.

There was some depression in the air.

When he got to the car, Mr. Mo broke the silence, politely and politely: "Ms. Wang, do you have any other arrangements at night? Without words, I'll invite you to dinner, can you?"

The gentleman invited.

Wang Caichun smiled and nodded, "Thank you Mr. Mo."

"Just call my name."

"Then you call me Ah Chun."

The two looked at each other and laughed.

The place to eat is a French-style western restaurant.

As soon as he entered the restaurant, Mr. Mo received a long-distance international business call, and the phone talked for a long time.

Wang Caichun was absently looking at the outside. The scenery outside was pleasant, but she had no intention to appreciate it, because she had just received the information from time, and Chu Mubei returned home.

Why did Chu Mubei return home suddenly?

Is it because she was too close to Mr Mo? Seeing her and Mr. Mo go out again, so angry back home?

She felt that this was impossible, and control herself to be affectionate, but could not help but think of such a thought.

During the meal, the two were silent, seemed to have a mind, and didn't talk much.

Suddenly, Mr. Mo said, "You just heard what you said just now."

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