His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1405: The sour smell of love all over the world (25)

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Wang Caichun was almost choked by the face in her mouth. She swallowed and smiled: "That, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to overhear ..."

Mr. Mo put down the knife and fork, suddenly looked at her seriously, and asked, "What do you think of my sister's proposal?"

"... Ah?" Wang Caichun froze for a moment, and suddenly had a weird hunch, suggesting that it was not what she said ... let her brother marry him.

"I'm marrying you as her uncle." Mr. Mo said, smiling slightly.

Wang Caichun “sucked” in his heart. Even if the man on the opposite side was very serious, his tone was similar to that in the past, cold and alienated, but she could not tell for a moment whether she was telling the truth or was joking.

For a few seconds after speaking, Mr Mo did not speak.

There is an ambiguity that is spreading quietly.

Wang Caichun blinked and said, "I don't know this joke, how to answer you."

Mr. Mo shook his head and said solemnly: "It's not a joke. Since you heard me and Niannian, you should have heard what my sister said earlier."

What is the previous content?

But I think my brother likes sister A Chun ... Regarding this sentence, she wanted to vomit, and the little girl must have thought of it. This Mr. Mo has been quite indifferent to her, how could she have liked her.

She muttered, "What the little girl said was all joking, rest assured, I won't take it to heart."

"She's not kidding. She knows me well, and she never knows about me," Mr. Mo crossed his hands, and Leng Jun's lips faintly said, "What do you think of my sister's suggestion?"

Wang Caichun forced a look: "..."

Her heartbeat worsened, and she looked at him speechlessly, unable to speak for a long time, and did not even know what to say?

Mr. Mo's deep eyes also looked at her with a good mistake, slightly twitching the corners of his lips, and asked, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Wang Cai purely jumped up.

She only found it in the restaurant, and quickly sat down again, then whispered, "Well, you know that I've been married, generally a divorced woman ..."

"This is not China, nor am I growing up in China. Divorce does not have any effect on me," Mr. Mo smiled slightly.

Wang Caichun again, don't know what to say.

You can only lower your head to eat to ease the tension now.

Fortunately, Mr. Mo did not force Wang Caichun to give an answer immediately.

Just let her think about it.

That night, Wang Caichun was in bed, and she couldn't sleep over and over. Her mind was full of Mr. Mo's proposals. The more she thought about it, the more she made a lot of money. Mr. Mo was a superb man, a handsome man with a high wealth, and a very good person.

Responsible and responsible.

Under normal circumstances, you can treat your sister's good man and your wife in the future.

However, she did not expect that from Mr. Mo ...

Wang Caichun couldn't sleep. She looked at the next room, next to Chu Mubei's room. The person had already left and returned to China. I wonder what happened to him?

Why suddenly return home.

Ugh! !!

What is she expecting?

Wang Caichun saw that the lights in Murphy ’s house were still on, and he put on a coat and knocked on Murphy ’s door: “Fei Fei, did you sleep?

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