His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1425: To love you, lingering in your bones (5)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Wang Caichun took care of Chu Mubei in the hospital for two days, and while Chu Mubei took a nap, Wang Caichun left the hospital.

Chu Mubei did not see Wang Caichun when she woke up, and immediately called her with anxiety, knowing that she was just going home, and would soon return. She suddenly smiled with her lips, thinking that she should be soon how long.

I thought I would come over for dinner with her, but at nine o'clock, Wang Caichun hadn't returned.

This stinky girl wouldn't lie to him.

Chu Mubei frowned, holding a mobile phone, and dialed Wang Caichun's mobile phone.

However, no one answered.

Smelly girl, she really lied to him.

He struck the bed and got up on the ground. When he was about to go out to knock people, he keenly heard footsteps coming from outside. Did the smelly girl come back?

Chu Mubei lay back in bed with a thunderbolt.

The door was pushed open, and a light stride stepped forward. Chu Mubei's face sank, preparing to open her lips ... Raising her eyes, she saw the person who came in, and gave her a sharp stun. She was surprised.

"What is it me?" Shen Yiren rolled his eyes, gritted his teeth, and forced himself to show a beautiful and bright smile to him: "Your disappointed expression, who was you expecting? Wang Caichun?"

Chu Mubei took a deep breath and leaned back on the bed: "Don't patronize me, why are you here suddenly?"

Shen Yiren said unpleasantly, "Why did I come here? When I was in a car accident, you went to see me every day. I could n’t come to see you in your car accident?"

Chu Mubei said, "You and Lao are both unconscience, so you won't care about my life."

"Then if I said, I came to Weibo to search, and then came jealous, do you believe it?" Shen Yiren blinked at him, the words behind him deliberately stretched.

"You think I can't see it, you're kidding me on purpose." Chu Mubei smirked twice.

"It's true, Chu Mubei, I regret it." Shen Yiren said without hesitation, staring at him with a firm look, saying word by word, solemnly: "I always thought that the person I like was the big brother, but I've thought about it for the past two days, and now I realize that I'm more obsessed with older brother, and you are the one who really suits me. "

When she was talking, she always looked at Chu Mubei as if there was a magnetic field on Chu Mubei, which attracted her firmly.

Chu Mubei's face sank, and the smile on his face stopped abruptly.

All of this was so sudden that the sudden arrival made him think his nerves were disordered.

He hesitated for a while, and then asked, "You want to tell me, you find that the person you like is me, no longer entangled in big brother?"

Shen Yiren nodded: "Yeah, so I want you, want you and Wang Caichun to draw a line and then stay with me, would you?"

Chu Mubei lowered her eyes, silent for a moment, and then looked at Shen Yiren and said, "If you told me this sentence a week ago, I would be very happy, no matter what my heart is, maybe this life may be like that In fact, people like me are not worthy of having true love. They ca n’t see the so-called sincerity like many ordinary people, and it ’s not bad. I ’m not asking for anything, but now I see myself clearly. Sincerely, then I do n’t want to do it again. "

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