His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1426: To love you, lingering in your bones (6)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Shen Yiren said wrongly, "So you mean, you never love me,"

Chu Mubei looked at Shen Yiren in front of her eyes, her eyes were red, her tears were weeping, her lips were biting, she was soft and pitiful.

He said three words gently: "I'm sorry."

"Sorry for a fart, you don't like me, then you **** pursue me for so long," Shen Yiren suddenly violently, picked up a pillow on the bed, and slammed on the injured leg of Chu Mubei.

Seeing that Chu Mubei didn't scream, she yelled, "Have you hurt, or is it fake?"

The feet didn't hurt, but Chu Mubei felt that his stomach was hurting. It wasn't very severe.

"Shen Yiren, are you playing with me ?!"

"Just a joke, didn't you see it just now? You're a man who is useless but immature and unsteady except for his good-looking face, far from my brother Lu. How can I like you. "

"Shen Yiren, don't you expect me to help you in the future."

"If you don't help, then I'll tell your wife, you confessed to me today!"

"You're going to fix me ... Well, who made me blind at the time and actually said to chase you," Chu Mubei hummed, especially speechless.

After a while, he suddenly sank, but his expression revealed a rigor: "I finally want to take good care of my relationship again."

Shen Yiren froze for a moment, she suddenly saw Chu Mubei many years ago.

She stopped playing, "Okay, I don't tease you anymore. Seeing hot search, I know that you and Wang Caichun are reconciled. I am happy for you and I am jealous of you. If you do n’t like me, you do n’t like me. Now, why ca n’t I get stuck in it, so I will deliberately test you. If you immediately abandoned Wang Caichun because of me, I would definitely talk to Wang Caichun and keep her away from you, although you are mine Good friend. But now it seems that you are not smarter than me, and you have never really liked me at all. If you do n’t really like a person, it is easy to get away. "

Speaking, he sat down in his chair, his tone slowly sinking: "In fact, it is important to come to you today."

Chu Mubei felt the solemnity in her next sentence: "What's the matter?"

"A woman named Li Mengyao came to me. I just felt that this man was like he came out of hell. There was a cold, weird breath in her body, and she talked to her, but she was creepy, but what she said was about her. And brother, about her and Chihiro, so I have to listen ... "

Shen Yiren told Li Muyao what she said and told Chu Mubei all.

Chu Mubei's handsome face flashed a little surprise, and the face of Dang Erlang always was indifferent and fortitude. He sat upright: "So she wants to help you."

"I feel like she ... seems to want more, Chihiro's life."

"What kind of deep hatred she and Chihiro have? You can't wait for her to die?" Chu Mubei's face became cold, but there was a thoughtful look in her eyes.

Shen Yiren thought of the face subconsciously, and Leng Buding shivered: "I forgot to tell you one thing, Li Mengyao's face was completely ruined, and he looked so horrible that he came to me at night and was so scared that I thought I saw a ghost , She said it was Chihiro asking someone to do it. "


Suddenly added PS, sudden power failure, and the notebook is out of power. The remaining four chapters will be added tomorrow afternoon.

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