His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1431: To love you, lingering in the bones (11)

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Two hours later, Su Qianyu and Lu Yanzhi boarded the plane that reached C City.

Su Qianzheng and Lu Yanzhi sat side by side, while Qixi sat on the other side, and the plane flew together and she fell asleep. Su Qianzhen glanced at the people around her and seemed to be sleeping. , Lowered his voice and questioned the person next to him: "What do you mean to me just now?"

Lu Yanzhi drank water expressionlessly and said quietly, "What do you think it means?"

Su Qianyi shook his head: "How would I know that you look so serious, and you also booked a ticket, when did you book it?"

"That's what you think. I'll tell you more about it later."

"You said nothing but said nothing." Su Qian muttered, and then said, "It's A-class secret again, and it needs to be kept secret?"

"As long as you know."

"But I was involved."

Lu Yan kept his eyebrows bent, leaned towards her a little bit, his lips pressed against her earlobe, and just before making a noise, Su Qianzhen tilted his head and reached out to cover his mouth. His face was slightly red: "This is in I ’m a public figure on a plane, so do n’t mess around. ”

Lu Yan couldn't help laughing.

Su Qianzhi knew that he was thinking wrong. Lu Yanzhi just wanted to whisper, and she became angry and angry. "You are still laughing, I'm not scared by you yet."

Lu Yanzhi said lightly: "I know you are in a mess now, and you are not at the bottom of your heart. Li Mengyao called me that day, and I spoke hands-free, so you should have heard some of them, in fact, that's what happened. . "

Li Mengyao's phone? Su Qianyi helped him for a moment, and on the phone content that he heard that day, Li Mengyao on the phone seemed to be calling for help, saying she was scared and saying a name Zalba.

She felt the name was wrong at the time.

But she did not believe what Li Mengyao said, only thinking that she wanted to use the events of that year to attract Lu Yanzhi's attention.

Can it be true? Someone fled in Yingzhai at that time, and revenge Li Mengyao and her, only to say by Lu Yanzhi, exactly the same as her guess.

Her head was buzzing, her lips opened, and she whispered in a very small voice: "But you don't mean that Zarba dare not mess around unless he doesn't want to leave China."

Lu Yanzhi's indifferent eyes were not shocked, calmly said: "But they were originally desperate people. They also lost one eye that year. He said he would take revenge, and it would definitely appear."

"But I don't know him. At that camp, I didn't know too many people. I didn't have any contact with him, would I ..."

"Because of me, you are with me now."

Su Qianyi's breath was slightly unstable. With his hands on his legs, he unconsciously tightened, and his heartbeat suddenly became sharp.

Lu Yanzhi could feel the fear in her heart. He held her hand, and gently scratched the back of her hand with a light tone: "Don't be afraid, I won't let you have anything."

Su Qianji's eyelashes fluttered and he turned to look at him.

Without him, she knew someone was staring at her, knowing that she would be in danger at any time, and she would definitely be more afraid, but he held her hand, but she felt relieved.

She whispered his name, her voice soft: "Lu Yanzhi."

Lu Yan insisted: "Well."

She was nervous and serious: "In case there is any danger, leave me alone. Xiaobai can't have both mom and dad at the same time."

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