His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1432: To love you, linger in the bone (12)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Lu Yan held up his hand and knocked directly on her head. The tone was extremely cold, "Don't think wildly."


"To shut up."

Su Qianji moved her lips and wanted to say something more: "..."

Lu Yanzhi interrupted her again and ordered: "Sleep."

Then he closed his eyes and leaned back on the chair, unwilling to ignore Su Qianyi.

Su Qianyi glanced at him, her heart hanging in her throat, how could he be so calm. But then I thought again, but he was a soldier, and he was used to this scene.

Hopefully, this time it is still safe and sound.

Four hours later, the three of them got off the plane. Su Qianyu was on the VIP channel. In addition to the previous itinerary, he had not announced it, so no fans picked up.

The three left the airport unhindered and took a car to pick them up.

Before getting on the car, Lu Yanzhi stood in front of the car door for two seconds, then turned his gaze slightly, glanced towards the high-rise building on the south side, narrowed his eyes, and his eyes flashed sharply.

Su Qianxuan followed his gaze, his heart tightened, and he asked him, "What's wrong?"

Wouldn't it be Zarba staring at them over there?

"It's okay." Lu Yanzhi looked back and watched her sit in the car.

The car quickly left the airport.

And in the direction Lu Yan just looked at, in a certain room, a man with deep facial features held a telescope and hid by a window. The facial features were deep, one dark gray eye was shining brightly, and the other eye Covered by blindfolds, there was a danger in the corners of his mouth.

There was a woman standing beside him.

The woman asked softly, "Zarba, why did you pull me to hide just now? Is it possible that we can find Lu Yanzhi here?"

"Of course, he is not an ordinary person." Zalba twisted his neck and grinded his teeth. "I can't see, he will follow Chihiro."

The woman immediately hated and said, "I said that this is Lu Yan's weakness. He hasn't been in the barracks for a while, all in this woman. As long as you follow this woman, you can definitely find him."

The corner of his mouth was raised, and Zalba showed her a very shallow smile, but he did not smile at all. He reached out and held her chin: "I have been a liar, Li Mengyao, how do I know this? Are you acting again? I tell you, if you dare to lie to me this time, the first person I will kill is you !!! "

Looking at her indifferently and immediately, after seeing her ugly face, she cast a savage dislike.

Li Mengyao touched her face and gritted her teeth: "Look at my face, do you think I will lie to you? I want to let them die directly, because you have to spend a lot of time and make a plan, saying Let them die. "

Zalba touched his missing one eye and smiled indifferently: "Death, that's too cheap. As soon as he dies, he feels nothing, how can it be painful, yes, did the woman contact you? ? "

Li Mengyao nodded quickly and said with a smile, "Jealousness makes people crazy. I said earlier that she would agree. Yesterday Shen Yiren had called me and said that she would cooperate with me. When should we start?"

"In this country, the security index is too high and it is not convenient to do anything." Zarba's mouth curved an arc. "Of course, you need to plan well before you plan."

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