His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1437: To love you, linger in the bone (17)

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Su Qianzhuo could not help laughing, her charming, peerless face, under the slight light, like the Manchu Shahua blooming in the dark, can charm the body and mind, it is irresistible to desire and confusion.

Lu Yanzhi's eyes were dim and his voice was hoarse: "What do you look at me like this?"

Su Qian froze, then said with a bit of shyness: "You don't look at me, how do you know I'm looking at you?"

Lu Yan insisted calmly: "Then what do you say you want to do when you look at me?"

Su Qianqiang responded with a strong word: "What do you say you are looking at me first?"

Lu Yanzhi could hear that she was a fake style, he suddenly rolled over and pressed on Su Qianyu.

At this moment, the light was on, and Su Qiandi clearly saw that the desire in his eyes suddenly widened his eyes.

The ambiguous atmosphere circulated around him, and he put his fingers on her chin, and put his lips to her lips and said, "I want to do this."

Unsuspectingly, Lu Yanzhi's lips were printed and tasted light, like an understatement like feathers dancing on it, but there was an undeniable strength and domineering, pressing her body down, rubbing her most sensitive place .

Su Qiandi was dizzy when he kissed him, he was almost unable to breathe, and frowned, pushing his hand against him.

But this strength is insignificant to Lu Yanzhi, struggling to push and shove, more like the temptation to refuse to meet.

Lu Yanzhi grabbed her two hands, raised her head above her head, pressed it tightly, and then pressed her body tightly. Su Qianyi said quickly, "I have to get up early tomorrow."

"So what?" Lu Yanzhi didn't care, the kiss fell on her chin, then fell slowly, from the neck to the collarbone, rubbing back and forth, gnawing ... all the way down.

Breathing gradually became rapid, Su Qianyan panted slightly, his eyes were dark.

Lu Yanzhi was extremely lingering, biting her lip, turning into a brave and combative wolf, ready to devour the woman under her belly ...

Just then, the phone rang.

Lu Yan frowned and didn't want to bother, but this phone ring was special, it seemed to be a work ring. He stopped all the movements, reached out and took the cell phone, lay down to answer.

The two were very close, and Su Qiandi could clearly hear the voice on the phone.

"As you expected, Li Mengyao is also in City C. She should have met Zalba, but Zalba's positioning is still missing, but ..." In the earpiece, Du Hong's voice sounded. "I have a major discovery."

Lu Yanchi said lightly: "Say."

Du Hongdao: "Li Mengyao recently contacted a woman named Shen Yiren frequently and wanted that woman to help her ..."

After hearing the words, Lu Yanzhi's tone was not fluctuating, but his eyes narrowed dangerously: "Shen Yiren."

"Li Mengyao also transferred a 1 million remittance to Shen Yiren's bank account, and we investigated Shen Yiren and found that she likes it ..." Du Hong did not say anything, but coughed twice.

"I see. Keep an eye on her and Li Mengyao, and then continue to search for Zarba." Lu Yanzhi said very lightly. "Be careful before you start, don't strike the grass."


After hanging up the phone, Su Qianji turned his head and looked at Lu Yan and moved his lips. Xu Jiucai said, "... What did Li Mengyao look for in Shen Yiren?"

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