His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1438: To love you, lingering in the bones (18)

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"What do you think you can do?" Lu Yanchi gave her a glance, which meant that he didn't understand it in his heart, and asked me why.

"I don't know, maybe, maybe ..." Su Qianyi guessed in his heart, and didn't want to use the villain's heart to measure the gentleman's belly, but it really made people think: "Will she contact Li Mengyao, just Just to confuse Li Mengyao ... "

Lu Yanzhi understood the meaning and said indifferently: "I'm not sure, but there is suspicion."

"She didn't find you, did she tell you?"


"In case she and Li Mengyao frequently contact each other and really want to do something, what do you do?" Su Qianxi asked carefully, she hoped not, in her opinion, Shen Yiren is a good girl, really not I hope she stepped into Li Mengyao's pit.

"What to do, what to do?" Lu Yanzhi's tone remained indifferent.

"That's ... what to do?" Su Qianyu gathered together.

Lu Yan fixed his eyes and watched her slowly move in front of him. He reached out and hugged her waist, his arms were strong and encircled her in his arms: "Come here automatically, and don't be afraid that I will eat you ? "

Su Qianzhang reached out to his chest and looked at the handsome and strong man: "Why am I coming forward? I just want to tell you something serious? Otherwise, let me find Shen Yiren. "

"Don't give me much trouble," Lu Yan's slender fingers expertly circled her smooth belly, threatening her charmingly: "Don't forget, how I warned you last time."

Su Qianzhen flashed a panic in his eyes, and swallowed: "When can I be serious?"

Lu Yan asked her, "When was I serious?"

"When did you pass?" Su Qianyu said, struggling in his arms.

Lu Yanzhi's eyes narrowed, his voice was dumb and terrible: "If you move again, I can't help it."

Upon hearing this, Su Qianyi immediately dared not to move any more. His whole body was soft, and he didn't want to move in Lu Yan's arms, but he was afraid he was so unsafe, and muttered and grumbled, "I'm so tired, I will have it tomorrow. Take location shots and go back at night. "

Lu Yanzhi took a deep look at her, hooked her lips, and said with a smile, "Go back the day after tomorrow."

"But I want Xiaobai." Su Qianyu said, paused, and said, "I don't know if Xiaobai missed me?"

"Close your eyes and sleep." Lu Yan insisted without anger.

"But I haven't adjusted the alarm yet." Su Qianyu murmured again.

"I will call you."

"What if you can't wake up? It's not good to be late."

"If you keep talking, I will go straight to work."

Su Qianyi waited for a while, but did not respond, and asked dumbly, "What?"

Lu Yan insisted briefly: "You."

Su Qianzhang stared resentfully and did not want to speak anymore.

She closed her eyes, prepared for a good night's sleep, cultivated energy, and strived to finish the advertisement in the best condition tomorrow.

Suqian Su had a good night's sleep without a dream. He was woken up by a human alarm clock the next morning and finished advertising with a refreshing spirit.

And it was earlier than expected, and it was only eight o'clock when I returned home at night.

The next day was Saturday. Xiaobai didn't need to go to school. After getting off the plane, Su Qianzhen called him. On the phone, he knew that Mom and Dad were back together.

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