His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1453: To love you, lingering in the bones (33)

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Sitting in the car, Su Qianxuan flashed in his mind the scene where Li Mengyao was hit by the car. After a long time, he felt a little scared.

Nazarba is here to get revenge. Even if Li Mengyao cooperates with him, he has not let go of Li Mengyao, it is even more impossible to let go of Lu Yanyao.

She thought about it, and decided to call Lu Yanzhi herself.

At this moment, the car suddenly stopped with a bang, and the bags left next to it were shaken under the seat.

She looked at the bodyguard driving in front and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It seems to have hit something?" The bodyguard was afraid of being hit by a person, he said, unfastening his seat belt and driving.

Su Qianyi had a bad hunch, and lowered the window subconsciously, looking at the bodyguard outside.

At this moment, a figure suddenly emerged from the dark night next to him, a tall and tall man, subconsciously attacked the bodyguard.

The bodyguard immediately retaliated, but he was clearly not the opponent of the big man.

Su Qianji noticed something wrong and immediately wanted to shift to the front to drive.

However, another big man ran out from the side and opened the door of the driver's seat. Chihiro hurried back and got out of the other door.

She hurriedly turned and wanted to run to a crowded place, but only ran two steps and stopped, her back was set in place, and her whole body looked at the front coldly.

In the dark night ahead, a figure of a peak was standing.

There were no stars or moon in the dark night, and the cold wind whistled, blowing his body with coldness, but the man who was opposite was scared by the cold, biting.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, Miss Chihiro." There was a joke in the unskilled Chinese.

Su Qianbi's mind was buzzing, and he stepped back two steps subconsciously.

In fact, she doesn't remember what Zarba looks like. In that village, the person she contacts most is Lu Yanzhi. Generally speaking, Lu Yanzhi is not allowed to go out. This Zalba should almost have been seen. But at this moment there is really no half-familiar impression.

But she was sure that this person should be Zarba.

Watching the man approaching himself step by step, every move seemed like a murky snake, which made people feel a chill. After a pause, Shen asked, "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Zalba blinked at her and said with a smile: "You really don't know? Although we don't see much in the village, I'm very impressed with you."

Originally, there was a hint of luck in her heart, hoping that this person was not the Zalba she thought, but obviously this was unlikely.

Su Qianxuan's gaze turned around and looked at the side road. This was the only way to make a living. Naturally, she couldn't stop but wanted to, and immediately ran away.

But how could she run past these trained men, someone rushed to her soon, and she kicked her feet reflectively, but the next second, she was pointed at her head by a black pistol.

She could not help dilating her pupils and immediately stopped her steps and movements.

Turning his head to see what Nazarba was saying, a knife fell on her neck.

As soon as her eyes were dark and her body was soft, she fell down. Dahan immediately carried away Chihiro, while Su Qianyi's cell phone fell to the ground.

Just then the phone rang, and Zalba picked it up and answered the call the second time ...

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