His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1454: To love you, lingering in the bones (34)

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When Su Qianxi woke up again, her eyes were black, and the pain coming from her neck reminded her of her coma. She met Zalba and was abducted. Do n’t think she can be sure that Zalba did. s reason.

There was a low voice in her ear, and she closed her eyes subconsciously.

"Whether Lu Yanzhi will ignore this woman, he always feels that he has no feelings for this woman."

"Whether he has emotions or not, as far as I know him, he will definitely come, not to mention that this is his child's mother. If Lu Yan really doesn't care about her, it won't bother her, just kill him."

Another voice sounded coldly.

This voice is from Zarba.

Su Qianxian's face turned pale, and her eyelids moved in trepidation. Sitting next to Zarba, she slapped her cheek with a slap, and immediately knew she was awake.

He turned the chandelier next to him and gently took it with his hand.

Immediately, the light shone on Su Qianzhang's face. With such a strong light, Su Qianzhang could not open his eyes, tried to suppress his full emotions, and looked at Zalba lightly.

Zalba slowly crouched beside her, pinching her face with her fingers: "What a pity this face."

Disgusted with contact with this person's limbs, Su Qianji tilted his head and shook off the man's touch.

Zalba sneered, "Don't shame your face."

At this moment, a big man ran in, anxiously, and said something to Zarbaal.

Zarba's eyes narrowed dangerously, and then he pulled Su Qianzhang up to the top of the building.

The pace was too fast. Su Qianyu was dragged by him several times and fell to the ground. He suddenly didn't keep up and was dragged away by Zalba.

A helicopter was parked on the top of the building, and Su Qianzhe saw it at a glance. She knew that Zarba wanted to pull her away from the helicopter.

There was a gunshot downstairs, and it seemed to have started.

Su Qianyi held the iron railing next to her, but she was not strong enough, her hands were soft and her feet were quickly taken away by Zalbara.

Seeing that he was going to be near the helicopter, suddenly someone climbed directly from below, and those actions were neat and crisp.

Su Qianxuan turned his head and saw that Lu Yanfu was extremely calm in the night. He came slowly, his tall and erect body was like a proud tree, his thin lips were tight, and his eyes looked straight as if crossing With a layer of ice, cold and gloomy.

Su Qianxu's heart vibrated slightly, and the corner of her mouth unconsciously evoked a smile.

Zalbala stood in front of her. He didn't feel scared. He looked at the landing statement with a playful look. "I didn't expect you to be so fast, but even if your soldiers are fast, you shouldn't come so fast. . "

"I don't need my soldiers against you."

Zalba apparently froze, and then laughed and provoked, "Ah, you don't seem to know your current situation, or you don't care about this woman, but if you don't care about this woman, How could it come so fast, I seem to have been cheated by you again, AIDS? "

The two words behind him came out almost biting his teeth, but also revealed a very sinister meaning.

"Do you care? Shouldn't you care more about killing me? I'm standing in front of you now, isn't what you want most!" Lu Yanzhi remained calm, his voice soft.

But Su Qianxu had a heart, but mentioned his throat.

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