His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1456: To love you, lingering in the bones (36)

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Suddenly, a lightning flashed across, tearing the night apart, followed by a thunderous thunder.

After the lightning flashed and thundered, I saw heavy raindrops of beans, falling like a sky, and it seemed that the roof was more embarrassing and horrible.

Su Qianji felt that his heart was about to jump out.

Zarba is very cunning and scheming, and he has come to China at such a great risk that he will definitely not leave if he fails to achieve his goal.

He certainly would not listen to Lu Yanzhi.

Lu Yanzhi also knew that Zarba would not accept his suggestion, and froze with a cold look, saying, "Then you will never leave again!"

Zalba sneered, and the darker shades between his eyebrows were stronger. "Don't play tricks. Threats are useless to me. Either you hit a shot on your eyes, or I shoot a shot on her, you can do it The choice is whether you want to hurt yourself or hurt this beautiful beauty. "

"Zarba, you know very well that without me leaving you, it is absolutely impossible for you to leave. At this time I should have a wise choice for you."

"I never thought of leaving when I came."

Su Qianyu listened to their tense conversation, raised his eyes and looked forward.

Lu Yanzhi just glanced at her ...

In Zhaizi, because of the danger everywhere, she naturally trained him to deal with many dangers.

The situation like this is not untrained, so Lu Yan looked at her just now ... she seemed to understand what it meant.

At this time, Lu Yanzhi lost the gun in his hand, and just hit Zarba's hand.

Zalba's wrist hurt, and the pistol fell to the ground.

Su Qianzhen suddenly turned around, and bite Zalba's right hand holding the remote control, he was very strong.

Zarba frowned slightly, his fingers loosened, and the bomb remote control landed.

Zarba was furious, and immediately kicked Su Suzheng, Su Qianyu flew up, hit the helicopter next to him, and then hit the ground severely.

She screamed in pain, feeling her body as if it had been crushed.

Her eyes turned black, raindrops slid down her eyelashes, and the heavy rain obscured her vision. She stumbled to see two people fighting in front.

Although Lu Yanzhi was able to fight, Zalba was not vegetarian, and she was trained in various ways. She was anxious and got up hard.

The two have played dozens of rounds, and the moves are fatal, but they have been avoided by each other.

Every time Zalba's fist rushed towards the landing, Su Qianyi's frightened soul was almost gone.

She wants to help Lu Yanzhi, but what should I do? She rushed to mess up Lu Yan.

At this moment, she glanced over the gun that was lying next to her, and immediately ran to pick it up, but the hand holding the gun was shaking, and she did not pull the trigger for a long time.

She's not going to shoot, she's afraid she can't make sure.

The two were too close, and they had been fighting, so dark and heavy rain.

What if she makes a mistake and hurts Lu Yan?

Zalba glanced at him and saw that Su Qianzhang had already obtained a gun. The cold light suddenly appeared, and a dagger flew towards Su Qianzhang with a thunderbolt, moving very fast.

Lu Yanzhi rushed forward immediately, flew up and kicked the dagger.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zalba immediately attacked from behind, Lu Yanzhi was kicked down by him, and Su Qianyi shouted nervously: "Lu Yanzhi."

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