His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1457: To love you, lingering in the bone (37)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!


Lu Yanzhi stood up and shouted to let her go. Later, she leaped and fought with Zalba again.

Su Qianyi knew that he couldn't help here, and didn't dare to shoot. The best help was that she left quickly, and then asked someone to help Lu Yanfu.

And without her here, Lu Yanzhi would not be distracted, so he would definitely be able to deal with Zalba.

When she couldn't get through, she went around them and was going to leave from the other side.

However, Zalba refused to let her go, leaving Lu Yanzhi, directly toward Su Qianyu, reaching out to catch Su Qianyu.

But before they met, Lu Yan was stopped halfway.

Su Qianyi subconsciously wanted to step back and want to leave, but he couldn't leave. There was a rooftop at the back, and it was going to fail.

Zalba kicked sideways and kicked Su Qianyu.

Su Qianyi moved backward subconsciously, his body dangling, how could he not stand still.

Just when she thought that she was about to fall, Lu Yan took hold of her waist and pushed Su Qianyu forward, Su Qianyu immediately fell a few steps forward and left the danger zone.

And while this time, Zalba kicked Lu Yanzhi, Lu Yanzhi held his foot with one hand, one side of his body, and then pulled him down from the top together.

"Lu Yanzhi !!"

Su Qianyi immediately rushed forward and waved his hand, just holding Lu Yanzhi's wrist, but the huge inertia also dragged her down.

She freed her hands and grabbed an iron frame by the rooftop.

At one go, at that moment, the huge pulling force almost tore the body stiffly, she felt that the body was screaming with pain.


It was raining harder and harder, just like pouring.

Su Qianxu endured great pain, breathing heavily, looking down and dragging her Lu Yanzhi, shouting excitedly, fortunately fortunately!

She looked downstairs again, and couldn't see clearly in the rainy night, but faintly felt that Zarba was dead.

Should the danger be lifted?

Just as she asked in her heart, she heard a shrill sound of broken metal in her ear, and she screamed in horror, while her body fell down.

One of the rivets of the iron frame was dropped.

This shelf couldn't support two people. When she thought about it, she felt that Lu Yanzhi held her hand loose, and she quickly shouted, "Lu Yanzhi, hurry up! Someone will come to help us soon."

Lu Yan's thin lips froze, his eyes quickly swept around, then he raised his head, his tone calm and said, "There is nothing to borrow, I can't go up, and the iron frame you pulled can not support the weight of the two of us. "

Su Qianyu said quickly: "No, no, no, no, no!"

Her hand clasped his hand tighter, but it was raining and it was too slippery, she couldn't hold it at all.

"Don't let go, you hurry up!" Su Qianyi's heart was full of panic, more than the tension previously held by Zalba.

She did not have the courage to speculate, and Lu Yanzhi said what he thought at this moment.

Lu Yanzhi said with a smile on his lips, and said gently, "Good, you let go, I'll be fine. I still have a way to save myself if I fall."

Do not! Su Qiandi did not believe that even ten-story buildings, even the most powerful people will die, Zalba is an example.

She should not let go of Lu Yan's hand, absolutely not! !!

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