His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1458: To love you, lingering in the bones (38)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

"No, I can't make you okay !?"

"I'll be fine. I will watch Xiaobai grow up with you, so you have to believe me." Lu Yan stared at her intently, her voice was so low in the cold rain, but But very convincing.

However, Su Qiandi did not believe, "No, you lied to me ..."

She choked, fearing that she could barely say the whole thing.

"I do n’t let go, you do n’t let go either. This can support both of us, okay ..."

Her voice had not yet fallen, and the rivet used to fix it immediately loosened due to the huge pulling force. The sound of metal rubbing the cement was extremely harsh in the sound of wind and rain, and the iron frame fell again.

There are only two iron shelves with four rivets.

When she saw that Lu Yanzhi had let go of her hand, a huge fear came out of her heart, and Su Qiandi immediately screamed, "No!"

She was afraid that after Lu Yanzhi let go of her hand completely, they would be separated forever ... She couldn't think anymore, she just knew that she couldn't lose him.

"I love you, Lu Yanzhi, I really really love you !! Don't leave me !!! Don't ah !!!"

Lu Yanzhi looked up at her and listened to her cry, there was a kind of sweet and bitter emotion in her heart. I did not expect that at the moment of life and death, she heard her affection for her.

He didn't know if this was a reward for God before he took back his life! !!

"I don't like my fiance long ago. The person I like is you. When you came out and saved me that year, I liked you. But at that time I thought you were a bad person and I was afraid of you. I ca n’t help but like you, I even thought, as long as you are really good to me, I will admit it, even if I go to **** with you, I admit it. But when I thought I was struggling with good and evil, When you think you can be with you resolutely, the result is ... "

She said sadly, "As a result, you were with Li Mengyao. I didn't know that you were playing with her. I hate it, I'm jealous, and jealous is going crazy. But I also know that there are only two things I can do, accept or disregard……"

The dry throat was about to make no sound, but she felt that Lu Yan's hands slowly tightened tightly, inch by inch, with a kind of silent attachment and reluctance.

Su Qiandi knows that this is effective, knowing that he is also reluctant to bear her.

So she continued: "I thought I would forget you after I left there, just like I forgot my fiance, but I was so painful, and since then I can never forget you again. At that time I realized that I was not in love with my last husband, but in you. I love you so much. I have loved my bone marrow, and it is because I love you so much that I do n’t want to be with you now. Together, because I love so much, I ’m scared. I ’m afraid that you will really like other women one day. I ’m scared that you are with me only because of the child. I heard that Shen Yiren was pregnant. I also knew it was fake, but I was Can't help being angry because I really love you so much !!! "

She looked at him with tears pouring down and begged: "So don't leave me, if you let go, I will let go. I never want to be alone in pain as before ..."


ps: Don't forget to vote for a month after seeing excitement, aren't you?

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