His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1461: Pure desire to move, married for love (1)

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When Lu Yan pushed the door in, he saw Su Qianyu standing in front of the window. He seemed to be in a good mood. He raised his hand and stretched out a lazy waist, exposing the hot body with a forward and backward curvature, a slim and **** waist, and white Skin seems to be able to scoop out water, charming and seductive.

He looked at her quietly for a while, then found that the window was open, the cold wind blew in and caught the moisture after the rain.

"Why did you open the window, I don't feel good," Lu Yan insisted, and closed the window directly.

"Suffocated for a day, take a breath of fresh air." Su Qianyi hugged his waist from behind, leaning his face on his back.

"What fresh air can the hospital have, when you're sick, I will take you to the mountains, where there will be the most natural and fresh air," Lu Yan held her hand.

Su Qianzhen's face struck his back, and his eyes were bent with a smile, "Okay."

Lu Yanzhi turned and faced her, staring at the corner of her mouth with a smile, his eyes filled with nostalgia and pampering, "Does it look particularly good today?"

Su Qianyan raised her eyebrows and smiled brightly and charmingly: "Of course, because I am getting married."

Lu Yan's eyes brightened and smiled slightly, but the March breeze was blowing, his voice was so soft that he said, "It's a coincidence that I'm getting married too."

"Congratulations, Mr. Achi." Su Qianying stared at his face, his enchanting black eyes exuding a charming look.

"Congratulations, too, Miss Chihiro." Lu Yanchi bent over, embraced, and kissed her lips ...


Wang Caichun held Time's hand and chatted with Time all the way.

In the parking lot, the two met Chu Mubei, along with Shen Yiren, who carried a fruit basket in his hand. They should also come to see Su Qianyu.

Chu Mubei, who was still talking and laughing with Shen Yiren, suddenly felt uneasy when he saw Wang Caichun.

Time felt the atmosphere, and it was weird in an instant.

She raised her hand and greeted the two. Shen Yiren also smiled and took the initiative to greet Wang Caichun.

"Did you come to Chihiro?"

"Yes indeed."

"Is she okay?"

"Some have a fever, others are fine."

After a few chats, Time and Wang Caichun left by car.

Shen Yiren looked at Chu Mubei, raising his eyebrows slightly, showing a smile-like expression, "Why don't you talk to Wang Caichun, and a strange yin and yang expression, you are not sure you are going to be with her."

Chu Mubei didn't speak, but just walked forward. Junlang's face brought a three-point cynical.

Shen Yiren was aroused some curiosity, and asked forward: "Aren't you not clear with her yet?"

"I have something to say, she doesn't know." She made a grimace that day and he was almost sure she knew what he was thinking.

Shen Yiren was very surprised. Among these friends, Lu Yanchen was the least spoken, and Chu Mubei was the most spoken.

When she was a child, she was always afraid of Lu Yanchen, but she couldn't find her girlfriend because of her cold temperament and quiet words.

I am afraid that parents will force her and Lu Yanchen together. After all, she has always been Lu Yanzhi since she was a child. She only wants to be Lu Yanchen's sister-in-law, but she does not want to be Lu Yanchen's wife.

Fortunately, he got engaged later and had a fiancee. Although he later broke the engagement with his fiancee, he soon married time again.

It is said that they were in love together in high school.

She thought that the person who had the hardest time marrying his wife became the earliest of them.

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