His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1462: Pure desire to move, married for love (2)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

And Chu Mubei, who has the most words, and sister-in-law's most powerful, not only got a fake marriage, but also couldn't see his heart, and divorced his wife. After the divorce, he didn't even dare to show his heart.

Woohoo ~~

"I said Chu Mubei, it is shameful to admit that he likes his ex-wife?" Shen Yiren joked.

"What, I'm not Lao Lu. I like who is still bored in my heart. I just think that a woman should not be too favored. That woman can give her a three-point color and she can open a dyeing workshop."

Chu Mubei's eyes were ups and downs, and there was deliberate forbearance. He seemed to want to explain something, but couldn't explain why.

In the end, the picture was cool, and some insincere words were said.

Shen Yiren raised an eyebrow and said with a smile: "Recently, there is a popular phrase on the Internet. Ao Jiao is refreshing, chasing his wife and crematorium!"

Chu Mubei breathed a suffocation, looking at the woman's flat figure in front, unable to say a word, and then the whole person was absent-minded.

After watching Su Qianyu, Shen Yiren hurried people: "Okay, you can do something if you have something."

"I promised you, and I'll accompany you to see your aunt later."

"My mother doesn't want to see the walking dead."


After Wang Caichun and Shiji watched Chihiro, time went to train, and Wang Caichun went shopping when bored.

After strolling for a while and buying a few clothes, she felt extremely boring. Get ready to take a taxi back.

Just walking to the side of the road, a very ridiculous red sports car stopped in front of Wang Caichun. Wang Caichun raised his eyes and saw the man in the roadster, staring at her with a smile, evoking an evil smile, Wang Caichun's eyes seemed to be ecstatic.

"How are you?" But Wang Caichun was not happy.

"Get in the car!"

"Dedicate yourself to nothing, steal or commit trespassing."

Chu Mu glanced at her from the north, her dark eyes were unpredictable, "Am I so despicable in your heart?"

"That's not true, but it's true that you are brazen and like to fool others ..."

What is this, Chu Mubei really wanted to knock on her head, he came over to pick her up, without a word of gratitude, even dare to hurt him, this woman is really unclean.

He got out of the car directly, grabbed the shopping bag in her hand, threw it into the back seat of the car, and pulled the car door to push Wang Caichun: "Get in the car, there is so much nonsense!"

Wang Caichun stared at him slightly, flattered and looked at him with a frown, a puzzling smile on the corner of his mouth, solemnly saying, "Did you hit evil today?"

When she noticed her gaze, Chu Mubei was still very happy when she fell on her face, thinking whether she was so handsome that you couldn't pull your legs together, and as soon as she said a word, the smile on his face disappeared instantly "Wang Caichun ..."

Wang Caichun smirked twice, then made a zipper action in front of her mouth.

The car stopped in front of the apartment. After Chu Mubei planned to enter the apartment, he had a good chat with Wang Caichun. As a result, they saw a person in front of the apartment.

Mr. Mo ~

Wang Caichun was surprised.

Chu Mubei frowned frantically.

If someone had told him before, one day he would be jealous and jealous of the urge to kill someone, and he wished to frustrate the other person.

He will certainly disdain and find this joke very boring.

But looking at Wang Caichun, he walked to the surname Mo with a look of joy, and asked with a smile how he was here.

At that moment, he really wanted to kill!


PS: Two chapters owed, I will fill in later. Ask for a monthly ticket ~

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