His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1463: Pure desire to move, married for love (3)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

"Mr. Mo, long time no see."

Wang Caichun smiled and greeted him. He was wearing a black trench coat, which looked tall, thin and still cold, but she noticed a sense of loneliness and melancholy under his arrogance.

Even if this Mr. Mo is also smiling.

"I haven't seen you for a long time," Mr. Mo glanced behind Wang Caichun, Chu Mubei with an ugly face, and smiled at him.

With such a grace, Chu Mubei naturally could not be too rude, and smiled, but the smile did not reach the bottom of his eyes.

Wang Caichun followed Mr. Mo's eyes and settled in Chu Mubei.

He clenched his fists, his face hazy, like a dragon furious in a thunderstorm, she coughed softly: "Thank you for sending me back."

It means you can go.

Chu Mubei felt that he was about to spit out old blood.

"My own home, where should I go." He licked it, as cold as ice dregs.

Then he took a step and walked directly to the door, looking like he was about to open it.

This was their "marriage room" when they got married. But when they got married, Chu Mubei rarely came here to stay overnight. After divorce, Chu Mubei never came, except that his stuff was still inside.

Wang Caichun couldn't say anything, he could only smile awkwardly at Mr. Mo.

And the last time Mr. Mo confessed to her, she didn't know what it meant for Mr. Mo to return. If it was to pursue her, then he would make a mistake.

Mr. Mo also seemed to have no response, and seemed to be unable to detect the turbulent waves between them: "Are you free?"


Chu Mubei, who was about to open the door, stopped breathing, her face suddenly changed, and there was a dazzling fire that seemed to rise from her eyes, but then slowly sank again.

He tried to calm himself, turned to look at Wang Caichun, and said coolly, "Wang Caichun, we are not finished!"

Wang Caichun looked at him doubtfully: "..."

They have n’t talked about it. Did they just talk about it?

Mr. Mo asked gently: "Inconvenient?"

Wang Caichun smiled slightly at him: "No, let's go."

She could feel that Mr. Mo should be looking for her, or she would not come directly to her.

Seeing that Wang Caichun actually got into Mr. Mo's car and abandoned him directly, Chu Mubei felt like he was being burned in the fire.

The fire burned, it was naturally extremely painful.

How could this woman leave him directly and leave with the man named Mo, angrily kicking him directly on the door.

She actually left Mo directly for the surname of Mo, and Chu Mubei asked it again in her heart! !! !!

Three different sentences, but almost the same words, also have the same meaning.

Chu Mubei's face sank to the extreme, it seemed that the surrounding lights and moonlight became dark and heavy.

Didn't she say that she loves him? Did you marry him because you like it? It turned out in less than half a year ... she had fallen in love so soon.

What does it like? !!

Standing alone at the door alone, Chu Mubei had the feeling of being abandoned by the whole world for the first time, jealousy, anger, grievances ... all kinds of inexplicable emotions were tangled in the body, and his inner taste was mixed. With his fists clenched, there was no way to be calm and calm.

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