His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1465: Pure desire to get married for love (5)

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Wang Caichun gave birth to a weird strangeness.

This marriage room, when they got married, Chu Mubei didn't stay here for long. They seemed to be able to count with five fingers overnight. Divorce now, how can they live like that?

Wang Caichun deliberately stood back and forth in front of him, but Chu Mubei still ignored her, as if she didn't exist, and asked next to him, "Are you asking me for anything?"

Otherwise, why would I go to the mall to find her and still be waiting for her in the room.

"No." Chu Mubei finally looked at her, her eyes were cold.

"Then you didn't say that our affairs haven't been finished yet, and that you don't look all right." Wang Caichun said doubtfully.

"No!" Still these two words.

The tone was extremely bad, and Wang Caichun's eyes were at a loss: "It's okay without it. What are you angry with?"

"Where am I angry?" Chu Mubei stared at him coldly, and his tone increased subconsciously.

"You are now angry, what did I do wrong?" Wang Caichun touched her head, and didn't think she had done something wrong.

"You are not wrong." Chu Mubei took a deep breath, looked at Wang Caichun with a complex expression, and there was a hint of irony in that tone.

"What?" Wang Caichun didn't understand, his expression was even more confused.

"In short, it has nothing to do with you," Chu Mubei got up and stiffly entered the bedroom. He didn't want to say too much. He was afraid he would lose control and say hurtful words, then regretted it.

Although they have wedding rooms, they each have their own room.

Looking at the door of Chu Mubei's room, Wang Caichun muttered somehow.

He ignored her, then she simply ignored him, anyway, she had divorced, and she didn't want to have too much trouble with him.

After waking up after a sleep, Wang Caichun had breakfast the next morning. She always had a big heart. She didn't remember what happened before going to bed. She kindly asked Chu Mubei if she wanted a breakfast.

As a result, Chu Mubei just looked at her and didn't say whether to do it or not.

Wang Caichun felt that she was boring in vain. She had a sense of irritation. She said that she would take the initiative to engage with Chu Mubei in the future, and wrote the king word upside down.

But as soon as she turned her head, she remembered afterwards what happened the night before.

She was always upset and straightforward, and could not help jumping to the front of Chu Mubei: "What are you doing so yin and yang? Where did I offend you? If you look at me unpleasantly, don't show up in this apartment, although it is a marriage Fang, didn't you say it was okay when you divorced, but mine? "

Chu Mubei was aggressively attacked by Wang Caichun, and he shouted back two steps. "Where am I so strange?"

Wang Caichun put his hands on his hips: "This isn't called Yin-Yang Weiqi, what's called Yin-Yang Weiqi. Oh, you wouldn't think I divorced you because I found a better man than you, and dumped you with nostalgia?" Then your arrogant male's dignity is traumatized, so you're so angry! "

Chu Mubei said silently, "Do I look like such a man without grace?"

Wang Caichun was angry: "The feeling you give me now, I'm the kind of woman!"

The angry eyes were all accusations. Chu Mubei had no way to refute it. He did think about it in his heart. He was instantly out of breath, and said in a voice, "I don't have such a meaning."

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