His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1466: Pure indulgence, married for love (6)

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"I think that's what you mean." Wang Caichun yelled, "Chu Mubei, you can be even worse!"

It really humiliated her for his sincerity towards him. She clearly divorced him in the hope that he could catch up with the man he loved, but now he didn't allow her to find the next spring, even if she didn't mean to find the next spring.

Chu Mubei's full body of gloom closed up instantly, she didn't know what to say, she could only apologize.

He apologized, Wang Caichun snorted coldly, seemingly unappreciative, but rubbed the hair on the back of his head, and muttered, "I'm not going to make breakfast for you anyway."

Chu Mubei followed into the kitchen and said with a smile, "You still make me a copy, or your stomach hurts."


"do it."


"Then I will eat you later." Chu Mubei said roguely beside him.

Wang Caichun stopped his movements and turned to look at him: "Okay, just make a copy for you, you go out."

Obviously a very large kitchen, but because of Chu Mubei, I always feel downright.

Chu Mubei's eyes slowly burned: "I didn't bother you."

Wang Caichun pursed his lips, only feeling that his eyes were like fire, and he said uncomfortably, "But it's inconvenient for you to stand here."

"Where is it inconvenient?"

"Anyway ... do you want to have breakfast."

"I'm afraid of you." Chu Mubei said freely, and left the kitchen in a compromise, muttering all the way: "This lady's temper is getting more and more arrogant ..."

Not long after, the kitchen suddenly smelled, and Wang Caichun prepared breakfast.

Eating breakfast made by Wang Caichun, Chu Mubei raised her eyebrows and looked at Wang Caichun and said, "You can't tell, you still have a leisurely side."

"I'm okay, but it's not something you playboys can understand." Wang Caichun satirized him.

"The prodigal son does not change his gold, the past is gone, I will only be virtuous for my wife." Chu Mubei said seriously.

Wang Caichun almost squirted out the food in his mouth, and he was speechless and wanted to laugh, "Hehe ~~ Congratulations on catching up with your beloved Shen Yi person earlier."

Chu Mubei looked at her meaningfully, trying to explain ... The fork was rubbing slightly on the lips, and then asked, "What is the name of Mo, what are you looking for?"

"nothing dealing with you."

"I'm afraid you've been deceived." Chu Mubei knocked on the table, his eyes were somber, and no emotion was seen on his indifferent face: "Come on, what the **** is you looking for?"

"Take me to Rhode Island," Wang Caichun said casually, and said with a smile: "This time, I will go to see Feifei without a ticket."

Chu Mubei's entire person seemed to be in the ice, his eyes became dark, and he smiled ironically: "You're poor, what is the ticket price?"

Wang Caichun shook her head: "Not bad !!!"

Chu Mubei gritted his teeth: "Anyway, don't go."

"Why not."

"Forget, we'll have a banquet in a few days, you forgot your mother made us show affection."

"I will leave after the banquet."

"Then you can't wait to wait !!!" Chu Mu's sour tone in the cold tone of his teeth was sour that his teeth were about to swell.

"You somehow."

"You don't follow the women's way."

Then stood up and flung the door angrily and left! !!

Wang Caichun was stunned. This man was too cloudy and uncertain. Forget it, it would be less troublesome in the future.

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